Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/923

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28, 1929. 2531 ARTICLE 9. Ressort de l'Union. Sont consideres comme a}?- partenant a l'Union postal UDl- verselle: a) les bureaux de poste eiablis par des Pays de l'Union dans les Pays etmilgers a l'Union; b) 10. Principaute de Liechten- stein, comme relevant de l'Ad- Ininistration des postes de Suisse; c) les Iles Feroe et Ie Groen- land, comme faisant partie du Danemark; d) les Possessions espagnoles de 10. c6te septentrionale d'Afri- que, comme faisant partie de l'Espagne; e) les ValUes d'Andorre, comme desseroies par l'AdIninis- tration des postes espagnoles et l'Administration des postes jran- ~aises; j) 10. Principaute de Monaco, comme relevant de l'Administra- tion des postes de France; g) Walfisch-Bay, comme fai- sant partie de l'Union de l'Afrique du Sud' Basutoland, comme rele- vant de I'Admin.istration des postes de l'Union de l'Afrique du Sud. ARTICLE 10. Arbitrages. I. -En cas de dissentiment entre deux ou plusieurs membres de l'Union relativement a I'inter- pretation de 10. Convention et des Arrangements ou de 10. responsa- bilite derivant, pour une Admi- nistration, de l'application de ces Actes, Ia question en litige est reglee par lugement arbitr81. A cet effet, chacune des AdIninis- trations en cause choisit un autre membre de l'Union qui n'est pas directement interesse dans l'affaire. Au cas on I'un des Offices en desaccord ne donnerait pas suite a une proposition d'arbitrage dans Ie delai de six mois, ou de neuf mois pour les Pays eloignes, Ie Bureau international POUlT8., sur ARTICLE 9 Extent oj the Union The following are considered as he~d~ces belonging to the Universal Postal . Union: (a) The post offices established by countnes of the Union in countries foreign to the Union; (b) The Principality of liech- tenstein, as belonging to the Postal Admjnistration of Switzer- land; (c) The Faroe Islands and Greenland, as forIning part of Denmark; (d) The Spanish possessions on the north coast of Africa, as form- ing part of Spain; (e) The Valleys of AndolTa, as served by the Spanish and French Postal Administrations; (f) The Principality of Mon- aco, as belonging to the Postal Administration of France; (g) Walfish Bay, as forming part of the Union of South Africa; Basutoland, as belonging to the Postal Administration of the Union of South Africa. ARTICLE 10 Arbitration compre- 1. In case of disagreement .\rbitration of dis- , putes. between two or more members of the Union as to the interpretation of the Convention and Agree- ments, or as to the responsibility imposed upon an AdIninistration by the application of those Acts, the question in dispute is decided by arbitration. To that end, each of the Administrations con- cerned chooses another member of the Union which is not directly interested in the matter. If one of the Administrations By International Bu- . 1d'hdi d reau on default. mvove mt e spute oesnot take any action on a proposal for arbitration within a period of six months, or nine months in the case of distant countries, the In- ternational Bureau, upon a re-