Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1182

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1158 GEN ER AL DE FI- NITIONS AFFECT- I G PROP ERTY . Inc3me. Ante, pp..ji52-1157. Time of creation . Ante, pp. 1152-1157. P ERSON AL PR OP- CHA PT ER 18 .-PERSONAL PROPERTY AND PARTICU- ERT Y AND P AR- TICTJLAR THERE F .gINDB

LAR KINDS THEREOF In general . er nd. what law gov- SECTION 237 . BY WHAT LAW GOVERNED .- I f there is no law to the contrary, in the place where personal property is situated, it is dee med to follow the person of its owner, and is governed by the law of his domicile . Things in action . Defined . THINGS IN ACTION SEC. 238. THINGS IN ACTION DEFINED .-A thing in action is a right to recover money or other personal property by a judi cial proce eding . Transfer and surviv- SEC. 239 . TRANSFER AND SURVIVORSHIP .-A t hing in ac tion aris- orslupg ing out of the violation of a right of property, or out of an obliga- tion, may be transferred by the owner. Upon the death of the owner it p asses to his pe rsona l rep resen tativ es, e xcept wher e, in the cases provided in the Code of Civil Procedure, it passes to his devis ees o r succ essor in office. Post, p .1301 . Post, p. 1184. Post, p. 1289. P031, p. 1159. Post, p. 1185. P031, p. 1182. Post, p. 1101. Post, p. 1184. Post, p. 1101 . Post, p . 1181 . Post, p. 1151 . Pmdne tsoit hemin d . Subje ct to owner sbip . 72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 12 8. FEBRUARY 27, 1933 . CHA PT ER 17 .-GE NERAL DEFI NITIO NS AF FECTI NG PROP ERTY SECTION 235 . INCOME, WHAT .-The income of property, as the term is used in chapters 12 to 16 of this code , inc ludes the rents and profi ts of real property, the interest on money, dividends upon stock, and other produce of personal property . SE C. 236. TIME OF CREATION, WHAT .-The delivery of the grant, where a limitation, condition, or future interest is created by grant, and the dea th of the testator, where it is created by . will, is to be deemed the time of the crea tion of th e lim itati on, c ondit ion, or in ter- est within the meaning of chapters 12 to 16 of this code. PERSONAL PROPERTY IN GENERAL CROSS RE ENC ES Assignment of debt secured by mortgage carries security, see section 1348 . Burden of obligation not transferable, see section 443 . Insurance policy transfer of, see section 1247 . Literary property is assignable, see section 242 . Nonnegotiable written contract for payment of money or property transfer- able by indorsement, see section 445 . Obligation defined, see section 424 . Property of any kind may be transferred, see section 261. Right arising out of obligation transferable, see section 444 . Right of repossession can be transferred, see section 263 . Transfer may be oral, when, see section 264 . Mere possibility can not be transferred, see section 262 . PRODUCTS OF THE MIND SEC. 240. HOW FAR THE SUBJECT OF OWNERS HIP .-The author of any pro duc t of the mind, wh eth er it is an inv en tio n, or a composition in letters or art, or a design, with or without delineation, or other graphical representation, has an exclusive ownership therein, and in the representation or expression thereof, which continues so lo ng as the product and the representations or expressions thereof made by him remain in his possession .