Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1431

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 144. MARCH 1, 1933 . m eat fo r, ma inten ance, opera tion and re pair of mo tor-pr opell ed passenger-carrying vehicles for otlicial use in field work, and all other necessary expenses, and $12,340 for personal services in the District of Columbia ; For investigations of resources of helium-bearing gas and the conservation thereof, and of processes and methods of producing, storing, purifying, and utilizing helium and helium-bearing ga s, including supplies and equipment, stationery, furniture, expenses of travel and subsistence, purchase, not exceeding $1,200, exchange as part payment for, maintenance, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles for official use in field work, purchase of labo rato ry glov es, goggles, rubber boots and aprons, and all other necessary expenses, including not to exceed $12,000 for personal ser vices in the Dis trict of Columbi a, $40,000 ; Helium plants : For helium production and conservation, including acquisition of helium-bearing gas land or wells by purchase, e%Change, lease, or condemnation, or interest in such land or wells, the purchase, lease, construction, or modification of plants, pipe lines and accessories, compressor stations, camp buildings, and other facil ities for the produ ction , tr anspo rtati on, s tora ge, a nd pu rifi catio n of helium and helium-bearing gas, including acquisition of sites and rights of way therefor, by purchase, lease, or condemnation, and including suppli es and equipment , expenses of tr avel and subsiste nce, maintenance and operation of motor-propelled, passenger-carrying vehicles for official use in field work, and all other necessary expenses, including not to exceed $6,560 for personal services in the District of Columbia, and including the payment of obligations incurred under the contract authorization carried under this heading in the Depart- ment of Commerce Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1932, the unexpended balances in the appropriation " Helium Plants, Bureau of Mines, 1933 ", less the sum of $50,000, are hereby continued available for the fiscal year 1934 : Provided, That no part of the appropriation herein made may be expended except with the approval of the Presiden t : Prov ided f urther , T h a t the acquirement of leases, sites, and rights of way under terms customary in the oil and gas industry, including obligations to pay rental in advance and to pay damages to lands, crops, or structures arising out of the Gove rnment's operati ons is a uthorize d : Provided further, That should valuable products other than helium-bearing gas be discovered in wells acquire d or drilled for helium-bearing gas under this ap pro- priation the Secretary of Commerce is authorized to provide for the disposal of said wells or the products therefrom, by the contracts under which the property is acquired, or otherwise, in accordance with the interests of the G overnm ent t herei n and in the manner which, i n his op inion, i s most a dvantage ous to th e Govern ment ; Economics of mineral industries : For inquiries and investigations, and the dissemination of information concerning the economic prob- lems of the mining, quarrying, metallurgical, and other mineral industries, wi th a view to ass uring ample supp lies and efficie nt dis- tribution of the mineral products of the mines and quarries, including stud ies and reports relating to uses , reserves, prod uction, distribution, stocks, consumption, prices, and marketing of mineral commodities and primary products thereof ; preparation of the reports of the mineral resources of the United States, including special statistical inquiries ; and including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; purchase of furniture and equip- me n t ; stationery and supplies ; typ ewr iti ng, ad din g, and co mpu tin g machines, accessories and repairs ; newspapers ; traveling expenses ; 1407 Investigating sources of helium-b earing ga . Helium plants , pro- duction, etc. Pur cha se, etc., of pla nts . Balances available . Vol.46,p. 135e . Provisos. Subject to ap proval of President . Leases, etc . Disp osal of p roduc ts in wells other than he- lium-bearing gas . Econ omics of miner al industries. Investigating, di s- semi natin g, e tc., infor - mation as to problems of, etc . Reports of mineral resources.