Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1481

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 203. MARCH 3, 1933 . the cost of its construction shall have been repaid in full, such Free brid g e there . bridge thereafter shall be maintained and operated as a free bridge . The appropriation of $3,000,000 for roads on unappropriated or atEn ergehi approprr unres erved public lands , nont axable Indian lands , and so for th, provement scontinued s contained in the Act entitled "An Act making supplemental appro- Vol 46, p. 1031. priations to provide for emergency construction on certain public works du ring the remainder of the f iscal ye ar ending June 30, 1931, with a view to increasing employment, I approved December 20, 1930, is hereby continued available during the fiscal year 1934 . The appropriation of $2,000,000 for roads on unappropriated or strEvmergencoynro d con unreserved public lands, nontaxable Indian lands, and so forth, Con- reservations, etc . tained in the Act entitled "An Act to relieve destitution, to broaden Ante, p . 717. the lending powers of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and to create employment by providing for and expediting a public- servic es in the works program,' approved July 21, 1932, is hereby continued avail- District. able during the fiscal year 1934, and not to exceed $4,373 may be used for personal services in the District of Columbia . Road and bridge flood relief, Georgia and South Carolina : To Georgia and South enable the Secret ary of Agricultu re to carry into effect the pro visions o Roada ' and bridge of the Act entitled "An Act for the relief of the State of Georgia fl~lr4i .pp . 3N, 4W. for damage to and destruction of roads and bridges by floods m 1929," approved May 27, 1930, and the Act entitled "in Act for Balance available . the relief of the State of South Carolina for damage to and destruc- Vol. 46, p. 872. tion of roads and bridges by floods in 1929," approved June 2, 1930, the unexpended balances of the appropriations for these purposes contained in the S econd Def iciency A ct, 1930, shall re main Ante, p. 635. available until June 30, 1934 .

Alabama flood relief. Road and bridge flood relief, State of Alabama : The unexpended Alabama 46, p.100. balance o f the app ropriatio n contain ed in the First De ficiency Act, fiscal year 1930, for carrying out the provisions of the Act entitled Vol.46,p.84. "An Act for the relief of the State of Alabama for damage to and destructi on of roa ds and br idges by floods in 1929," a pproved M arch 12 1930, shall remain available until June 30, 1934 .

Emergencyroadeon. ! That paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of section 301 of title 3 struction. of the Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932 is amended uB Ayailab blle e until Ian- by striking out the date " July 1, 1933 " where it appears in said Ante,p .716,amended h paragraph and inserting in lieu thereof the date " January 1, 1934 ." Total, Bureau o f Public Roads, $3 5,000,000 . BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING SALARIES AND RXVE NSES General administrative expenses : For necessary expenses for gen- eral administrative purposes, including the salary of chief of bureau and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $36,810 . devel Agricultural engineering : For investigations, experiments, and demonstrations involving the application of engineering principles to agriculture, independently or in cooperation with Federal, State, county, or other public agencies or with farm bureaus, organizations, or individuals ; for investigating and reporting upon the utilization of water in farm irrigation and the best methods to apply in practice, the different kinds of power and appliances, the -flow of water in ditches, pipes, and other conduits, the duty, apportionment, and meas- uremen t of irrigation water, the custo ms, regulations, and laws affect - ing irrigation, and the drainage of farms and of swamps and other wet lands which may be made available for agricultural purposes ; for prepaying plans for the removal of surplus water by drainage ; for op ing g equipment for farm irrigation and drainage ; for investi- gating an reporting upon farm domestic water supply and drainage 3051•---3302 1457 Agricultural En gi- neering Bureau . Gene ral e xpen ses . Chief of bureau and office personnel . Investigation s, etc .