Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1482

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1458 Cot ton gi nni ng . Vol.48,p.248. U.S.C., Supp.VI, p.58. Services in the Dis- trict . Vehicles. Agricultural Econo- mics Bureau . General expenses . Sal aries, supplies, etc . Chi ef of bureau, and office personnel . Farm management and practice. Distributing ac- quired information of far m products, m arket- ing, etc. Pr omoti ng c lassi fied standards . Cotton and by-prod- ucts research . Vol .46,p.248. U.S.C., Supp.VI, p.58. Pr oviso . Forms of wool and mohair grades to be sold . 72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 203. MARCH 3, 1933 . disposal, upon the design and construction of farm buildings and their appurtenances and of buildings for processing and storing farm products, upon farm power and mechanical farm equipment, upon the engineering problems relating to the processing, transportation, and st orage of perishabl e and oth er agricu ltural pr oducts, a nd upon the engineering problems involved in adapting physical character- istics of farm land to the use of modern farm machinery ; for investi- gatio ns of cotton ginni ng und er the Act ap proved April 19, 1 930 (U. S . C ., Supp . V, title 7, sets. 424, 425) ; for giving expert advice and assistance in agricultural engineering ; for collating, reporting, and illustrating the results of investigations and preparing, publish- ing, and distributing bulletins, plans, and reports ; and for other necessary expenses, including travel, rent, repairs, and not to exceed $5,000 for construction of buildings, $375, 000 . Total, Bureau of Ag ricult ural E nginee ring, $ 411,81 0, of which amount not to e xceed $12 5,800 may be expen ded for p ersonal s ervices in the District of Columbia, and not to exceed $3,115 shall be avail- able f or the pu rchase of motor-pr opelled a nd horse- drawn pas senger- carrying vehicles necessary in the conduct of field work outside the District of Columbia . BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS SALARIES AND GENERAL EXPENSES For salaries and the employment of labor in the city of Wash- ington and elsewhere, furniture, supplies, traveling expenses, rent outside of the District of Columbia, and all other expenses necessary in conducting investigations, experiments, and demonstrations, as follows General administrative expenses : For necessary expenses for gen- eral administrative purposes, including the salary of chief of bureau and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $267,750 . Farm management and practice : To investigate and encourage the adoption of improved methods of farm management and farm prac- tice, and for ascertaining the cost of production of the principal staple agricultural products, $375,000 . Marketing and distributing farm products : For acquiring and diffusin g among t he people of the U nited St ates usef ul inform ation, on subjects connected with the marketing, handling, utilization, grad- ing, transportation, and distributing of farm and nonmanufactured food products and the purchasing of farm supplies, including the demonstration and promotion of the use of uniform standards of classification of American farm products throughout the world, including scientific and technical research into American-grown cot- ton and its by-p roducts and thei r present and po tential uses, in cluding new and additional commercial and scientific uses for cotton and its by-products, and including investigations of cotton ginning under the Act approved April 19, 1930 (U . S . C ., Supp . V, title 7, sets . 424, 425), and for collecting and disseminating information on the adjustment of production to probable demand for the different farm and animal products, independently and in cooperation with other branches of the department, State agencies, purchasing and consuming organi- zations, and persons engaged in the marketing, handling, utilization, grading, transportation, and distributing of farm and food products, and for investigation of the economic costs of retail marketing of meat and meat products, $725,000 : Provided, That practical forms of the grades recommended or promulgated by the Secretary for wool and mohair may be sold under such rules and regulations as he may