Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1525

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 212. MARCH 3, 1933. 1501 Biologic products : To regulate the propagation and sale of viruses, Regngic god sits of serums, toxins, and analogous products, including acs henamine, viruses, etc . and for the preparation of curative and diagnostic biologic products, including personal services of reserve commissioned officers and other personnel, $43,900 .

VenerealDiseasesDi- For the maintenance and expenses of the Division of Venereal vision . Diseases, established by sections 3 and 4, Chapter XV, of the Act voa~o Pn ce 8 etc. approved July 9, 1918 (U. S . C., title 42. sets. 24, 25), including u . S. C ., p .1315. personal and other services in the field and in the District of Columbia, $75,000, of which amount not to exceed $20,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . Division of Mental Hygiene : For expenses incident to carrying DMs en o tnal H ygi ene out the provisions of the Act approved June 14, 1930 (U . S . C ., vol .. 4s, pp . 585, 819; Supp . V, title 21, sets . 196-198), and of the Act approved January vU. S C.1, pp. VI, 19 . 1929 (U. S . C ., Supp . V, title 21, sec . 225), including personal PP", 353 . services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; freight, trans- portation, and traveling expenses, and the packing, crating, drayage, and transportation of the personal effects of the personnel of the Public Health Service upon permanent change of station ; and includ- ing field studies and investigations incident to the establishment Necrotic farms . of narcotic farms ; personal services of reserve commissioned officers and pharmacists ; scientific and educational supplies ; law books books of reference, newspapers, and periodicals in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; and the furnishing and laundering of uni- forms to employees whose duties make necessary the wearing of the same, including white duck coats, trousers, smocks, aprons caps, and insignia or other devices for identification purposes, $44,37~f . Educational exhibits : For the preparation of public-health For c a t preventb g exhibits designed to demonstrate the cause, prevalence, methods of spread of diseases . spread, and measures for preventing diseases dangerous to the public health, including personal services and the cost of acquiring, trans- porting, and displaying exhibit material, $1,500 . BuREAu OF THE MINT OFFICE OF DIRECTOR OF Ikm MINT Salaries : For the Director of the Mint and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $34,742 . For t ranspo rtatio n of b ullion and c oin, by regis tered mail o r oth erwise, between mints and assay offices, $6,000 . For contingent expenses of the Bureau of the Mint, to be expended under the direction of the director : For assay laboratory chemicals, fuel, materials, balances, weights, and other necessaries, including books, periodicals, specimens of coins, ores, and incidentals, $700 . For examination of mints, expense in visiting mints for the pur- pose of superintending the annual settlements, and for special exami- nations and for the collection of statistics relative to the annual pro- duction and consumption of the precious metals in the United States, $5 ,40 0. Bureau of the Mint . Director, and office personnel . Transporting bullion and coin . Contin gent ex penses . Examinations, etc. Mints and assay of- MINTS AND ASSAY OFFICES

goes. For compensation of officers and employees of the mints at Phila- other Employ iea and del hia, Pen nsylvania , San Fra ncisco, C alifornia , Denver, Colorado , p"n and New Orleans, Louisiana, and assay offices at New York, New York, and Seattle, Washington, and for incidental and con- tingent expenses, including traveling expenses, new machinery, and repairs, cases and enameling for medals manufactured, net