Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1526

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1502 Supervising Archi- tect's oifice . Public buildings . Construction, etc ., of projects authorized . Vol. 44, pp. 632, 633 ; Vol. 45, p.137 ; Vol. 48p 1164 . U.S.C.,Supp.VI,p. 757 . Proviso. Coast Guard, etc ., buildings. Work discon tinued . Vol. 46, p . 1605. Lexington, Ky ., nar- coti c farm . Washin ton, D. C. Nation Institute of Health Building . Post Office Building . Central heatin g plant . Extension to Pan American Union Build- ings, and Red Cross Building . Vol. 46, p . 1604. Proviso. Reimbursement. Temporary quarters, etc . Repairs, equipment, etc. Buildings under Treasury Department . Provisos . Marin a hospitals, quarantine stations, etc. 72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 212 . MARCH 3, 1933 . wastage in me lting and re fining and i n coini ng dep artmen ts, loss on sale of sweeps arising from the treatment of bullion and the manu- facture of coins, not to exceed $500 for the expenses of the, annual assay commission, and not exceeding $1,000 in value of specimen coins and ores f or the cabinet o f the mint at Ph iladelphia, $1,2 50,000 . OFFICE OF SUPERVISING ARCHITECT PUBLIC BUILDINGS, CONSTRUCTION AND RENT For commencement, continuation, or completion of construction in connectio n with an y or all projects authorize d under t he provis ions of sections 3 and 5 of the Public Buildings Act, approved May 25, 1926 (U. S. C., Supp . V, title 40, sets . 343-345),y and the Acts amenda- tory thereof approved February 24, 1928 (U . S . C ., Supp. V, title 40, sec. 345) and March 31, 1930 (U . S. C ., Supp . IV, title 40, sets . 341- 349), within the respective limits of . cost fixed for such projects, $50,000,000 : Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used for work on the building for the Coast Guard or some other Government activity (Apex Building), authorized by Act of March 4,1931 (46 Stat ., p. 1605) . Lexington, Kentucky, Narcotic Farm : For continuation, $1,300,000 . National Institute of Health Building, Washington, District of Columbia : For continuation, $400,000 . Washington, District of Columbia, Post-Office Building : For con- tinuation of ext ension, $600,000 . Washington, District of Columbia, central heating plant : The authorization contained in the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1931, approved March 4, 1931, is hereby amended so as to include the Pan American Union Buildings, old and new, and the American Red Cross Building : Provided, That the Pan American Union and the American Red Cross agree (a) to reimburse the United States for the cost of connecting such buildings with the Gqvernment mains, and (b) to pay for heat furnished at such rates, not less than cost, as may be determined by the Secretary of the Treasury . Rent of temporary quarters : For rent of temporary quarters and alterations of same for the accommodation of Government officials and moving expenses incident thereto, and the Secretary of the Treas- ury is hereby authorized to enter into leases for this purpose for periods not exceeding three years, $900,000 . PUBLIC BUILDI NGS, REPAIRS, EQUIPMENT, AND GENERAL EXPENS ES Repairs and preservation : For repairs and preservation of all completed and occupied public buildings and the grounds thereof under the control of the Treasury Department, and for wire parti- tions and fly screens therefor ; Government wharves and piers under th e control of the T reasury D epartment , togeth er with t he necess ary dredging adjacent thereto ; care of vacant sites under the control of the Treasury Department, such as necessary fences, filling dangerous holes, cutting grass and weeds, but not for any permanent improve- ments thereon ; repairs and preservation of buildings not reserved by vendors on sites under the control of the Treasury Department acquired for public buildings or the enlargement of public buildings the expenditures on this account for the current fiscal year not to exceed 15 per centum of the annual rental of such buildings : Provided,, That of the sum herein appropriated not exceeding $200,000 may be used for the repair and preservation of marine hospitals, the national leprosarium, and quarantine stations (including Marcus Hook) and . completed and occupied outbuildings (including wire partitions and .