Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1584

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 271 . MARCH 4, 1933 . and it s approa ches, th e actual cost of acquirin g any in terest i n real property necessary therefor, and the actual financing and promotion rotary yf `varnby See- costs . The Secretary of War may, and at the request of the Public Works Department of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall, at any time within three years after the completion of such bridge, investigate such costs and determine the accuracy and the reason- ablene ss of th e costs alleged in the s tatement of costs so file d, and shall make a f inding o f the ac tual and reasonab le costs of cons truct- ing, financing, and promoting such bridge ; for the purpose of such investigation the said Essex Shore Way (Incorporated), its suc- Records to be avail- cessors and assigns, shall make available all of its records in con- able.

nection with the construction, financing, and promotion thereof . Findings of Secretary The findings of the Secretary of War as to the reasonable costs of conclusive . the construction, financing, and promotion of the bridge shall be conclusive for the purposes mentioned in section 2 of this Act, sub ject only to rev iew ina cou rt of equity for fraud or g ross mist ake . conferredto soil, etc ., (e) The right to sell, assign, transfer, and mortgage all the rig hts, pow ers, and pri vile ges conferred by this Act is hereby granted to Essex Shore Way (Incorporated), its successors and assigns ; and any corporation to which, or any person to whom, such rights, powers, and privileges may be sold, assigned, or trans- ferred or who shall acquire the same by mortgage foreclosure or otherwise, is hereby authorized and empowered to exercise the same as fully as though conferred herein directly upon such corporation or person . Chesapeake Bay, be- CHESAPEA KE BAY BETWEEN BALTIMORE AND KEN T COUNTIES MARYLAND tween Baltimore and Kent Counties, Md . SEC . 11. (a) That in order to promote interstate commerce, impr ove the post al serv ice, and pro vide for military and other purposes, the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Maryland, its successors and assigns, is hereby authorized to construct, main- Location . tain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Chesa- peake B ay, at a point su itable t o the in terests of navig ation, f rom a point in Baltimore County, Maryland, south of Back River, to Hart Island, to Miller Island, and thence to some point in K ent County, Maryland, between thirty-nine degrees and twelve minutes and thirty-nine degrees and thirteen minutes and thirty seconds Construction . Vol.34,p.84.

north l atitude, in accor dance wi th the p rovision s of the Act ent itled "An Act to r egul ate the con stru ctio n of bri dges ove r na viga ble waters," approved March 23, 1906, and subject to the conditions and Proviso.

limitations contained in this Act : Provided, That in the interests Eme rgenc y clo sing . of national defense, and for the protection of life and property, the Secr etar y of War is her eby authorized and empowered, when, in his judgment, military necessity shall require it, to close said bridge to traffic at su ch time and during su ch periods as he may determine . Acquisition au tho r- iz ed after comp letio n, (b) After the completion of such bridge, as determined by the by Maryland, etc. Secretary of War, either the State of Maryland, any political sub- division thereof within or adjoining which any part of such bridge is located, or any two or more of them jointly, may at any time acquire and take over all right, title, and interest in such bridge and its approaches, and any interests in real property necessary there- for, by purchase or condemnation or expropriation, in accordance with the laws of such State governing the acquisition of private prop erty for pub lic pur pose s by con demn atio n or exp ropr iati on .