Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/164

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72d CONG RESS . SESS. I. CHS . 149-151 . May2932 1 2' [CHAPT ER 149 .] A ri127,1932.

AN ACT [A.R .10382.1 To require the approval of the General Council of the Seminole Tribe or Nation [Public, No . 109.]

in case of the disposal of any tribal land . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the a Seminole 1ndlans : United States o f America in Congress assembled, That hereafter the Disposal of tribal Secretary of the Interior shall not sell, lease, encumber, or in any povalbjeita general manner dispose of, any land or any interest in land belonging to the councII• Seminole Tribe or Nation in Oklahoma or reserved for the benefit of such tribe, except with the approval of the Seminole Tribe or Nati on act ing th rough its ge neral council selec ted in pursu ance o f Sem inole cus toms . Approved, April 27, 1932. [CHAPTER 150 .] Ap ril 21 ,1932 .

JOINT RESOLUTION [H. J . Res., 375.1 To provide additional appropriations for contingent ex penses of the House of [Pub . Res., No. 17 .]

Representatives for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932 . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United House of Representa- States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums tiv Additional appropri- are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise e~~ r contingent appropriated, for contingent expenses of the House of Representa- tives for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932 specommittecial and select For expenses of special and select committees authorized by the es.

House, $15,000 . Furni ture, e tc .

For furniture and materials for repairs of the same, including labor, t ools, and machiner y for fur niture r epair sho ps, $6,50 0 . Stenographic reports For stenographic reports of hearings of committees other than of hea rin gs,

special and selec t committ ees, $5,0 00 . Ap proved , Apri l 29, 1932 . [CHAPTER 151 .] AN ACT May 2, 193? I[ A'71071 To amend the Act entitled "An Act confirming in States and Territories title [Public, No . 110 .1

to land granted by the United States in the aid of common or public schools," approved January 25, 1927 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Extension of com. United States o f America in Congress assembled, That subsections mi n school ct grants to minera l secti ons .

(b) and (c) of section 1 of the Act entitled "An Act confirming in p . 1028, amended, States a nd Territ ories 'ti tle to la nd grant ed by the United S tates in the aid of common or public schools," approved January 25, 1927, be amende d to r ead as follo ws Mineral grants on a (b) That the additional grant made by this Act is upon the sol d states. 1030L°ed t0 express condition that all sales, . grants, deeds, or patents for any of the lands so granted shall hereafter be subject to and contain a reserva tion t o the State of all the c oal and other miner als in the lands so sold granted, . deeded, or patented, together with the right to prospect tlor, mine, and remove the same . The coal and other subject to 00Statee~e~ mineral deposits in such lands not heretofore disposed Jof by the State sha ll be sub ject to l ease by t he State as the St ate legis lature may dir ect, t he pro ceeds and re ntals and roy alties there from t o be utilized for the support or in aid of the common or public schools Fn el ore for contra. Provided, That any lands or minerals hereafter disposed of con- vention trary to the provisions of this Act shall be forfeited to the United States by app ropria te pro ceedin gs ins tituted 'by t he Att orney Gen- eral for that purpose in the United States district court for the dis- trict in which the property or some part thereof is located .