Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/165

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72d CONGRESS. SESS. I. CAS . 151-153 . MAY 2, 1932 .

141 "(c) That any lands included within the limits of existing reserva- Lands excluded . ti ons of or by the U nited Sta tes, or s pecifica lly reser ved for w ater- power purposes, or included in any pending suit or proceeding in the courts of the United States, or subject to or included in any valid application, claim or right initiated or held under any of the existing laws of the kJnited States, unless or until such reserva- tion, application, claim, or right is extinguished, relinquished, or ca nceled, a nd all la nds in th e Territo ry of Al aska, are excluded from the provisions of this Act ." SEC . 2. This amendatory Act shall take effect as of January 25, Effective as of lann- 1927 ; and in any case in which a State has selected lieu lands since poenefits to states, such date under the Act approved February 28, 1891 (26 Stat . of lieu re , nds s b snet 796) , and s till reta ins title thereto, such St ate may, within ni nety q ,e n l i s l days after the date of the enactment of this Act, relinquish to the United States all right, title, and interest in such lands and shall vol. 44, P.1 .026 . thereupon be entitled to all the benefits of the Act of January 25, 192 7, as amended by this Act . Approved, May 2, 1932 . [C HAPTER 152 .] AN ACT May 2. 1932 . To grant certain lands to the State of Colorado for the benefit of the Colorado [H.R.231.1 School of Mines.

[Public, No . 111 .1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Se cretar y Colorado . La nd ol do

to, ror of the Inte rior be a nd he is hereby, a uthorize d and dir ected to issue use of the Colorado to the State of dol orado patent conve ying ti tle to the s outh h alf school of Mines . southeast quarter section 22 ; the north half northeast quarter, and the Description. southwest quarter northwest quarter section 27, township 18 south, range 66 west, sixth principal meridian, Colorado, for the use and benefit of the Colorado School of Mines located at Golden, upon payment to the United States of $1 .25 per acre therefor : Provided,

les". That there is found to be no conflicting valid claim to the lands so described : And provided further, That there shall be reserved to the seMin~ls, ate ., i~ United States all coal, oil, gas, or other mineral deposits found at any time in the land, together with the right of the United States, its grantees or permittees, to prospect for,, mine, and remove such deposits, under such rules, regulations, "and conditions as the Secre- tary of the Interior may prescribe . Approved, May 2, ,1932 [CHAPTER 153 .] AN ACT To authorize the conveyance by the United States to the State of Minnesota of lot 4, section 18, township 131 north, range 29 west, in the county of Morrison, Minnesota . May 2, 1942. [n . R.5803.] [Public, No . 112 .1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the S ecreta ry Minnesota . a o amp R;pley of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to convey Military to . to the State of Minnesota all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to lot 4, section 18, township 131 north range 29 West, Description . fifth principal meridian in the county of Morrison, ˆtate of Minne- sota, formerly a part of Fort Ripley military reservation and restored "'ol.21,p .69. to homestead entry by Act of April 1, 1880 (21 Stat. L. 69), for military purposes and specifically as part of Camp Ripley Military Reversion for non . Reservation. Such conveyance shall contain the express condition user.