Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1726

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INDEX. lxxvii LeJislatlve Branch of the Government- Pawe. Continued. Appropriation. for-Continued. Senate-Continued. Office building maintenance; police force __________________ 1353,1360 Pages, pay of, July 1 to 15, 1932___ 647 July 16 to 25,1932____________ 702 Post office __________________ 385,1353 Salaries and mileage __________ 382,1351 Secretary's Office ____________ 382, 1351 Sergeant at Arms and Door- keeper__________________ 384,1353 Vice President's Office ________ 382,1351 Deficiency appropriation for- Architect of the CapitoL __ __ 16, 526, 1603 Capitol Building, relocating stat- ues ________________________ _ Capitol grounds, enlargin~ ______ _ House Office Buildings _________ _ Library buildings and grounds, 1603 16 16 maintenance, etc ___________ 17,1604 Removal of buildings, etc_ _______ 17 Senate Office Building, furnishings, etc.; structural changes_____ 1604 Elevator repairs_ _ ___ _________ 526 Audited claims _____________ 29,786,1618 Government Printing Office _____ 527,1603 Messengers on night duty_____ 527,1603 House of Representatives__________ 15, 525,780,1602 Ackerman, Ernest R., payment to widow of. _ __ ______________ 15 Angus, Grace K., payment to____ 1602 Aswell, James B., payment to widowof _________________ _ 15 Beers, Edward M., payment to widow of. _ __ __________ ____ 525 Butler, Elizabeth A., payment to_ 1602 Committees, special and select, expenses of. __ .. ________ 526, 1603 Contested-election expenses ___ 525, 1603 Contingent expenses_ _ __ _______ _ 526 Edwards, Charles G., payment to widow of. ________________ _ 15 Eslick, Edward E., payment to widow of. __ _ ______________. 525 Folding speeches and pamphlets_.o 16 Garrett, Daniel E., payment to widow of. _ __ ______________ 780 Goodwin, Godfrey Go, payment to widow of. __ _ ______________ 1602 Graham, George S., payment to widow of. _____________ - _- _ 15 Hale, Fletcher, payment to widow of _______________________ _ 15 Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Committee on, expenses of. _ _ 1603 Invalid Pensions, Committee on, temporary assistant clerk_ ___ 1603 Le,islative Branch of the Govemment- p . ... Continued. Deficiency appropriation for-Contd. House of Representatives--Contd. Karch, Charles A., payment to widow of. __ _______________ 780 Kunz, Stanley H., stationery allowances_________________ 1603 Laws, Committee on Revision of. 16, 780 Linthicum, J. Charles, payment to widowof__________________ 780 Longworth, Nicholas, payment to widow of _________________ _ Major, Samuel C., payment to widow of. ________________ _ Mooney, Charles A., payment to widow of _________________ _ O'Malley, Matthew V., payment to widow of. ______________ _ Post-office messengers __________ _ Quin,Percy E.,paymentto widowoL Rutherford, Samuel, payment to us 16 16 1603 525 widow of. ______________ 0 _ _ 525 Salaries, clerical assistance_ ______ 526 Tucker, Henry St. George, pay- ment to widow of. ___ _______ 780 Vestal, Albert H., payment to widowof__________________ 525 Vincent, Bird J., payment to widowof _________________ _ 16 Wurzbach, Harry M., payment to widow of. ________________ _ 16 Joint committee on inaugural cere- monies of 1933 _______________ 780 Joint Committee on Printing_ ______ 1603 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics_ ___ ___ ___________ 1604 Senate_________________ 15,525,780,1602 Caraway, Hattie W., payment to_ 15 Folger, William A., payment to_ _ 525 Harris, Julia Wheeler, payment to_ 525 Inquiries and investigations, ex- pensesof. ___________ 15,780,1602 Jones, Minda N., payment to_ _ _ _ 780 Kitchens, etc., repairs_____ 15,780, 1602 Miscellaneousitems ______ 525,780,1602 Morrow, Elizabeth C., payment to_ 15 Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper, Office of. ___ ___ __ __________ 780 Waterman, Anna R., payment to_ 780 Attending physician at Capitol, detail of present incumbent continued_____ 399 Funeral expense limitation_ __ ____ ____ 1308 Legislative Counsel. omce of. appropria- tion for salaries and expenses ____ 390,1359 Legislative Reference Service. appropri- ation for______________________ 394,1362 Lepers. appropriation for care, transpor- tation, etc.• oL ________________ 423,1522 Leprous Persons. See Hawaii.