Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/25

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PUBLIC LAWS OF THE SEVENTY-SECOND CONGRESS OF THE UNITE D ST ATES OF AM ERIC A Passed at the first session, which was begun and held at the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, on Monday, the serenth day of December, 1931, and was adjourned without day on Saturday, the sixt eenth day of July, 1932 . HERBERT HoovER, President; CH ARL ES CL-RTis. `ice President; GEORGE H. AfOSFS. President of the Senate pro tempore; JOHN N . GARNER, Speaker of the House of Representatives; HEN RY T . RAINEY, Speaker of the House of Representatives pro tempore, June 13 to 18, 1932; WILLIAM B . BANKnEAD, Speaker of the Zion-e o f Rep resen tative s pro tempore, Ju ne 20, 1932; Joiis McDuFFIE, Speaker of the House of Representatives pro tempore, July 16, 1932. [CHAPTER 1.1 JOINT RESOLUTION December 19, 1931 . To permit the temporary entry into the United States under certain conditions

[H.J. Res.72.] o f alien participants and officials of the Third Olympic Winter Games and of [ Pub . Re s ., No .- 1 .1 - the games of the Tenth Olympiad to be held in the United States in 1932 . Resolved by th e Senate and the House o f Repr esentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That alien partici- Olympic games, empo8 a19 ants, officials, and other accredited members of delegations to the sion into united states Th ird Oly mpic Win ter Games and to the games of the Tenth Olvm - e tc, alten participants, piad to be held in the United States in 1932, and members of the immediate families and servants of the foregoing, all the foregoing who are nonimmigrants, if othe rwis e ad miss ible into the United States under the immigration laws, shall be exempted from the pay- 5 Exempted from tax, ment of the tax of $8 prescribed by section 2 of the Immigration Vol . 39.1, - 875 . Act of 1917, and exempted from the fe es prescribed under the law L.S.C.p.1311. to be collected in connection with executing an application for a visa and visaing the passport or other travel document of an alien for the purpose of entering the United States as a nonimmigrant, and Passports. such aliens shall not be required to present official passports issued by the governments to which they owe allegiance : Provided, That re isos . tion re- suc h aliens shall b e in pos session of offici al Olymp ic games identit y quired . ca rds dul y vi saed wit hout cha rge by A meri can cons ular off icer s abroad : And provided further, That such aliens shall comply with prRegullations to b e regulations not inconsistent with the foregoing provisions which shall be prescribed by the Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of State : Provided, however, That nothing herein shall relieve an visa requirements . a lien from b eing requi red to obta in a grati s noni mmigr ant v isa if coming to the United States as a nonimmigrant, or an immigration visa if coming to the United States as an immigrant : Be it further Resolved, That such aliens shall be permitted the free entry of fects, Entry of pe rsona l of their personal effects and their equipment to be used in connection with the games, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury . Ap prov ed, Dece mber 19, 1931 . 3051'-3 3-1