Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/344

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72d CONGRESS. SESS. I. CHS. 267, 268. JUNE 17, 1132 . close Quintana Place, between Seventh Street and Seventh Place northwest, running through square 3160 in the District of Columbia, dedic ated a s a pu blic h ighway by pl at reco rded D ecembe r 23, 1925, Proviso.

and recorded in book numbered 80, page 173, of the records of the Reversion or title surveyor of the District of Columbia : Provided, That the title to the th ere to, land lying within the a rea he reby c losed s hall r evert to the pro- prietor of the adjoining blocks, the land in the said dedication never having been improved or used as a highway . Approved, June 17, 1932 . June 17,1932 . [11 .R . 4738 .1 [Public, No. 186.] Disabled American Veteran s of the Wor ld War incorporated . Incorpo rators . Successors, etc. Name designated . Completion of organ- Zation. Purposes declared. [CHAPTER 268.] AN ACT To incorporate the Disabled American Veterans of the World War . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f Amer ica in C ongress assemble d, That t he fol low- ing persons, to wit, Robert S . Marx, of Ohio; William J . Donovan, of New York; H. G. Lightner, of Kentucky • A. B. Powell, of Ala- bama; Glenn E . Miner, of Arizona; George 1I . H . Pratt, of Arkan- sas; Volney P . Mooney, junior, of California; A . E . Sherlock, of Colorado; Peter Nugent, of Connecticut; Miles H . Draper, of Flor- ida; William E . Tate, of Georgia; Jesse J . McQueen, of Idaho; Her- man H. Weimer, of Illinois; S. G. Smelser, of Indiana; Henry J . Bitters, of Iowa; E. C . Moore, of Kansas; L . C . Mayeux, of Louisi- ana; F . J . McCarthy, of Maine; George W. Golden, of Maryland; J. W. McQueen, of Missouri; Leon C. Waite, of 'Massachusetts; L. E . Sharp, of Michigan; George E . Leach, of Minnesota; Quintus E . Camp, of Mississippi; John W. Mahan, of Montana; Leonard D . Densmore, of Nebraska; I . A . Lougaris, of Nevada; E. P . Badger, of New Hampshire; W. J. Dodd, of New Jersey; Carl F . Whittaker, of New Mexico; Malcolm Smith, of North Carolina; H. J . Muehlenbein, of North Dakota; Fletcher Riley, of Oklahoma; Lile Dailey, of Ore- gon; J . J. O'Leary, of Pennsylvania; Arthur Cole, of Rhode Island; G . G. Blackman, of South Carolina; Albert Haugse, of South Dakota; Reuben D . Hays, of Tennessee; M. A . Harlan, of Texas; Gaylen S . Young, of Utah; Malvern S . Ellis, of Vermont; George D . Simmons, of Virginia; Miles Price, of Washington; W . J. O'Neil, of West Virginia; Reverend G . Stearns, of Wisconsin; and such per- sons as may be chosen who are members of the Disabled American Veterans of the World War, and their successors, are hereby created and declared to be a body corporate . The name of this corporation shall be the" Disabled American Veterans of the World War ." SEC . 2 . That said persons named in section 1, and such other per- sons as may be selected from among the membership of 'the Disabled American Veterans of the World War, an unincorporated patriotic society of the wou nded and disabled soldiers, sailors, and mari nes of the Great War of 1917-1918, are hereby authorized to meet to com- plete the organization of said corporation by the selection of officers, the adoption of a constitution and by-laws, and to do all other things necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this-Act, at which meeting any person duly accredited as a delegate from any local or State organizations of the existing unincorporated organization known as the Disabled American Veterans of the World War shall be permitted to participate in the proceedings thereof . SEC . 3 . That the purposes of this corporation shall be : To uphold and maintain the Constitution and the laws of the Un ited Stat es, to re alize the true Ame rican id eals and aims for which those eligible to membership fought; to advance the interests and work for the betterment of all wounded, injured, and disabled vet-