Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/374

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350 Municipal center . Acquisition of site, etc.,for. Additional amount, from unexpended bal- ance . Vol. 46, p .1364. Division of expenses . Proviso. Relocation of street railwa y track s . Street, etc ., improve- ment and repair . Highways Depart . ment, salaries . Assessment and per =it wo rk . Gasolinetax road and street fund . Paving, etc ., s tre ets and roads from . Vol. 43, p . 106. Streets to be im- proved . 72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 308 . JUNE 29, 1932 . MUNICIPAL CENTER For the acquisition of land in the municipal center, and for grad- ing and paving of streets, and relocation and construction of District of Columbia owned utilities within and/or adjacent to the municipal center, $222,000, and in addition thereto not to exceed $1,278,000 of the unexpended balance of the appropriation for the municipal center contained in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1932, of which sums not to exceed $900,000 shall be available for the acquisition of land in the municipal center, and not to exceed $600,000 shall be available for grading and paving of streets, and relocation and construction of District of Columbia owned utilities within and/or adjacent to the municipal center : Provided, That the Washington Railway and Electric Company is hereby di rected to rebuild and reloc ate at it s own exp ense the tracks of said company in D Street northwest between Fifth Street and Indiana= and in Indiana Avenue east of 'Fifth Street to the vicinity of Second Street, in accordance with plans and profiles to be appr oved b y the Commis sioner s of t he Dist rict o f Colu mbia, and in the event of the failure of said Washington Railway and Electric Company to pe rform the wo rk her ein di rected within the t ime fi xed by the said commissioners the said work shall be performed by the Distric t of C olumbi a and this a ppropr iation shall be ava ilable for such purposes, and the cost of said work shall be a valid and sub- sisting lien against the franchises and property of the said railway company and s hall c onstit ute a legal indebte dness of sai d comp any in favor of the District of Columbia, and the said lien may be enforced in the name of the District of Columbia by a bill in equity brought by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, or by any other lawful proceed ing ag ainst the sa id rai lway c ompany . STREET AND ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND REPAIR Salaries, Highways Department : For personal services, $21 7 1,710 . For assessment and permit work, paving of roadways under the permit system , and constr uction and r epair o f side walks and cu rbs around public reser vation s and munici pal and Unite d Stat es bui ld- ings, including maintenance of nonpassenger-carrying motor vehicles, $250,000 . GAS OLINE TAX RO AD AND STREE T FUND For pavin g, rep aving, gradi ng, an d othe rwise i mprovi ng str eets, avenues, and roads, including personal services and the maintenance of motor vehicles used in this work, and including curbing and gutters and replacement of curb-line trees where necessary, as fol- lows, to be paid from the special fund created by section 1 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for a tax on motor-vehicle fuels sold withi n the Dis trict of C olum bia, and f or ot her purpo ses," approved April 23, 1921, and accretions by repayment of assessments : For paving, repaving, and surfacing, including curbing and gutters where necessary, the following Southeast : T Street, Minnesota Avenue to Seventeenth Street, $7,000 ; Southeast : Q Street, Minnesota Avenue to Naylor Road, $6,100 ; Southeast : P Street, Pennsylvania Avenue to east line of lot 800, square 5547, $3,800 ;