Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/375

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I . CH. 308. J UNE 29,1932 .

351 Streets Northeast : B Street, Sixteenth Street to Seventeenth Street, ed from to beia=ias, $4,800 ;

etc ., tuna . gasoli Northeast : B Street, Seventeenth Place to Nineteenth Street, $11,200 ; Northeast : Seventeenth Place, B Street to C Street, $5,200 ; Northeast : Twenty-third Place, Benning Road to E Street, $8500 .. 3 ?Northeast : Penn Street, West Virginia Avenue to Montello Ave- nue , $7,600 ; Northeast : Queen Street, West Virginia Avenue to Montello Avenue, $7,000 ; Northeast : Holbrook Terrace, West Virginia Avenue to Montello Ave nue, $ 7,000 ; N or t he a st : West Virginia Avenue, Holbrook Terrace to Mount Oli vet Ro ad, $1 4,700 ; Northeast : Thirtieth Street, Channing Street to Douglas Street, $4,800 ; Northeast : Thirtie th Str eet, S outh D akota Avenue to Yos t Plac e, $3 ~6_00 ; 1ortheast : Perry Street, Twenty-fourth Street to Twenty-sixth Street, $9,700 N or t he a st : Twenty- fourth Stree t, Per ry Str eet to Quincy Stree t, $5700 . Northeast : Quincy Street, Twenty-second Street to Twenty- fourth Street, $8,200 ; Northeast : Quincy Street, Twentieth Street to Twenty-first Street, $4,100 ; Northeast : Twentieth Street, Perry Street to Quincy Street, $5700; ?Northeast : Twentieth Street, Evarts Street to Franklin Street, $5900 . ) 'Northeast : Tenth Street, Upshur Street to Varnum Street, $5,800 ; Northeast : Third Street, L Street to M Street, $9,400 - Northeast : Sixteenth Street, Irving Street to Lawrence Street, $13,700 ; Northeast : Varnum Street, Tenth Street to Twelfth Street, $7,500 . , Northeast : Fourth Street, Franklin Street to Michigan Avenue, $35,600 ; Northwest : Third Street, Sheridan Street to Underwood Street, $9300; Northwest : Tuckerman Street, Eighth Street to Georgia Avenue, $11,200 ; Northwest : Piney Branch Road, Georgia Avenue to Van Buren Street, $26,000 ; N or t h we s t : Dahlia Street, Georgia Avenue to Ninth Street, $4,100 ; Northwest : Hamilton Street, Thirteenth Street to Fourteenth Street, $12,700 ; Northwest : Forty-third Street, Jenifer Street to Military Road, $9 000; Northwest : Ingomar Street, Forty-second Street to Wisconsin Avenue, $10,7 00 ; No rthw est : Wa tersid e Drive, Massachusetts Avenue sout h, $15,300 ; Northwest : Fifteenth Street, Florida Avenue to Euclid Street, $37,500 ; Northwest : Buchanan Street, New Hampshire Avenue to Rock Creek Cemetery, $3,300 ;