Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/379

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 308. JUNE 29, 1932 .

355 Benning Bridge over the Anacostia River : For the construction ceDen~ine r over Ana . of a bridge to replace the bridge and trestle in line of Benning Road co nstr ucti on to re_ over the Anacostia River in accordance with plans and profile of said pla ce p res ents trnr tnre . w ork to be approved by the Co mmissione rs of the Ii stric t of Columbia, including construction of and changes in sewer and water t'hanges in se rv ice main s, t rave ling expenses in connection with the inspection of mains. m ateri al at the point of ma nufac ture, emplo yment of en ginee ring or other professional services, by contract or otherwise, and without Professional services . reference to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 41, L 1 S.,sec. 37 ~0_p.73a; s e e . 5) o r the Cl assifica tion Act of 1923, as amen ded, and enginee ring c~ pup ; .i'~2a.S. and incidental expens es, $300,000 ; and the commissioners are authorized to enter into contract or contracts for the completion of t'nntractsauthnrized, li mita tion . said bridge at a cost not to exceed $600,000 : Provided, T hat one- iron.,. . fifth of the cost of constructing the said bridge and approaches pƒ on. railway pro shal l be borne and paid by the Washington Railway and Electric Company, its successors and assigns, to the collector of taxes of the Enforcement . District of Columbia, to the credit of the District of Columbia, and the same shall be a valid and subsisting lien against the franchises and property of the s aid railway company and shall constitute a lega l in debt edne ss of said comp any in f avor of the Dist rict of Columbia, and the said lien may be enfo rced in the name of the District of Columb ia by a b ill in eq uity brou ght by the said commissioners in the Supreme Court of the Dis trict of Columbia, or by any other lawful proceeding against the said railway company Provided further, That after the completion of sa id bridge and mpPayment for yuoeh e r approaches herein authorized no street railway company shall use bridge . said bridge or approaches until the said company shall have paid to the collector of taxes of the District of Columbia a sum equal to one- fift h of the cost of said bridge and approaches, which sum shall be paid to the collector of taxes of the District of Columbia for dep osit to the credi t of the Distric t of Col umbia . Calvert Street Bridge : For the preparation of studies, plans, and II aye ert Street inves tigat ions o f fou ndati on co nditio ns fo r abr idge t o rep lace the Pl ans, etc ° for re- Calvert Street bridge over Rock Creek, includ ing the employment placing ' of engineering or other professional services, by contract or a s see . 3700, p . 733; otherwise, and withou t reference to section 3 709 of the Revised u . s , c., . 1300; Vol. Statutes (U. S. C., title 41, sec. 5) or the Classification Act of 1923, 40, p .1003 . as am ended , and engin eerin g and incid ental expe nses, $40,0 00 . For reconstruction, wher e ne cess ary, and for mai nten ance and Wharves . repair of wharves uder the cont rol of the Commissioners of the pair, eetc .

re- repair of Columbia, in the Washington Channel of the Potomac

- River, $5,000 . TREES AND PARHINOS

Trees and parking. For personal services, $28,480 . For contingent expenses, 'including laborers, trimmers, nursery- men, repai rmen, teams ters, hire of ca rts, wagon s, or motor truc ks, trees, tree boxes, tree stakes, tree straps, tree labels, planting and care of trees on - city and suburban streets, care of trees, tree spaces, purchase and maintenance of nonpassenger-carrying motor vehicles, and miscellaneous items, $112,500 . SEWERS Salaries, sewer department : For pers onal ser vices, $ 198,620 . For cleaning and repairing sewers and basins, including the replacement of the following motor trucks : Two at not to exceed $900 ; two at not to exceed $1,200 ; two at not to exceed $1,800 ; one at not to exceed $4,000 ; for operation and maintenance of the sewage Personal services. Contingent expenses. Sewers. . Personal services. Cleaning, repair, etc . I I