Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/383

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 308. JUNE 29, 1932 .

359 N IGHT SCH OOLS For teachers and janitors of night schools, including teachers of salaries. i ndustrial, commercial, and trade instruction, and teachers an d janitors of night schools may also be teachers and janitors of day s chools, $ 97, 000 .

Contingentexpenses. F or co ntin gent and other nec essa ry ex pens es, i nclu ding , uip ment and purchase of all necessary articles and supplies for classes in indus trial, comme rcial, and trade instru ction, $4,50 0 . Deaf, dumb, and THE DEAF, DUMB, AND BLIND

blind . For maintenance and instruction of deaf and dumb persons and dumb. of deaf admitted to the Columbia Institution for the Deaf from the strict R.S.,s p486 4p .942, of Columbia, under section 4864 of the Revised Statutes, and as U.s. d..p.685. provided for in the Act approved March 1 , 1 901 (U. S . C., title 24, sec . 238), and under a contract to be entered into with the said insti tution by th e comm issio ners, $31 ,500 .

Colored deaf mutes . For maintenance and instruction of colored deaf-mutes of teachable Tuition of, under age belonging to the District of Columbia, in Maryl and, or some contract . other State, under a contract to be entered into by the commissioners, $5,500 : Provided, That all expenditures under this appropriation Proviso- sha ll shall be made 'under the supervision of the Board of Education .

Blind children. For maintenance and instruction of blind children of the District Tuition of, und er of Columbia, in Maryland, or some other State, under a contract Contract . to be entered into by the commissioners, $11,000 : Pr ovid ed, That Proviso Supervision of ex. all expe ndit ures unde r th is ap prop riati on s hall be m ade under the P 8131111-- supervision of the Board of Education . AMER ICANI ZATIO N WORK For Americanization work and instruction of foreigne rs of all ers s r1 sing . forei gn. ages in both day and night classes, and teachers and janitors of Americanization schools may also be teachers and janitors of the day schools, $13,000 . For contingent and other necessary expenses, including books, Contingent expenses . equipment, and supplies, $800 . COMMUNITY CENTER DEPARTVENT Night schools. Americanization work. C ommun ity ce nters . For pers onal serv ices of t he d irec tor, gene ral s ecre tari es, a nd pen lasries and ex. community secretaries in accordance with the Act approved June 4, Vol.i3,pp .369,375. 1924 (43 Stat., pp . 369, 370) ; clerks and part-time employees, includ- ing janitors on account of meetings of parent-teacher associations and other activities, and contingent expenses, equipment, supplies, and lighting fixtures, $41,900 . Care of CARE OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS

grounds . bu ildings and For personal services, including care of smaller buildings and Salaries . ' bundings rented rooms at a rate not to exceed $96 per annum for the care of an d rented rooms . each schoolroom, other than those occupied by atypical or ungraded classes, for which' service an amount not to exceed $120 per annum may be allowed, $889,260 . MISCELLANEOUS

Miscellaneous. For the maintenance of schools for tubercular and crippled pupils s and r for nberou. $11,000.


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