Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/388

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 308. JUN E 29, 1932 . ment, flags and` halyards, storage of stolen or abandoned property, Prevention and detec- and tra veling a nd other expense s incurr ed in pr evention and det en- tion of crime. Lion of crime and other necessary expenses, including expenses of harbor patrol, $71,500, of which amount a sum not exceedino' $2,000 may be expended by the major an d superi ntendent of poli ce Yor p re- vention and detection of crime, under his certificate, approved by the commissioners, and every such certificate shal l be deemed a su fficient Amy

voucher for the sum therein expressed to have been expended : Pro- eq uip men tm ounted v id e d , That th e War De partment may, in its dis cretion, furnish the commissioners for use of the police, upon requisition, such worn speedometer repairs . mounted equipment as may be required : Provided further, That the commiss ioners a re autho rized to employ the elec trician of the D is- trict Building to repair speedometers at such cost not exceeding $250 as they may approve payment to be in addition to his regular com- pensation ; and such services to be performed after regular working Motor vehicles .

hours . For purchase and maintenance of passenger-carrying and other motor vehicles and the replacement of those worn out in the service and condemned, $75,000 . Uniforms . Uniforms : For furnishing uniforms and other official equipment prescribed by department regulations as necessary and requisite in the performance of duty to officers and members of the Metropoli- tan poli ce, incl uding cl eaning, alterati on, and r epair of article s transferred from one individual to another, $60,000 . House of Detention . HOUSE OF DETENTION Maintenance, etc. For mainten ance of a suitab le place for the recepti on and d eten- tion of girls and women over seventeen years of age, arrested by the police on charge of offense against any laws in force in the District of Columbia, or held as witnesses or held pending final investigation or examination, or otherwise, including transportation, the purchase and maintenance of necessary motor vehicles, clinic supplies, food, upkeep and repair of buildings, fuel, gas, ice, laundry, supplies and equ ipment, electric ity, and other ne cessary expenses , $10,250 ; for personal services, $10,560 ; in all, $20,810 . Policemen, etc., relief

POL ICEM EN AND FIRE MEN' S RE LIEF FUN D fund . Payments from . To pay the relief and other allowances as authorized by law, such sum as is necessary for said purposes for the fiscal year 1933 ig appropriated from the policemen and firemen's relief fund . Fire department . Repairs, etc., to buildings . Uniforms, etc . FIRE DEPARTMENT SALARIES Vol . 43, officers, etc . VVo l. For the pay of officers and members of the fire department, in 46,p .839. accordance with the Act entitled "An Act to fix the salaries of officers and members of the Metropolitan police force, the United States park police force, and the fire department of the District of Columbia" (43 Stat., p . 175), as amended, $2,165,100 . For personal services, $5,920 . MISCELLANEOUS For repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, $25,000 . Uniforms : For furnishing uniforms and other official -equipment prescribed by department regulations as necessary and requisite in the performance of d uty to officers and mem be rs of the fir e