Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/597

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[CHAPTER 418 .] 72d CON GRESS . SESS. I. CH . 418. JULY 5,1932 .

573 AN ACT To regulate the carrying and keeping of arms in the Canal Zone .

Ju ly R. 6, 7 502 1932. (H . .1 [Public, No. 251 .] B e it enact ed by the S enate and House of Re prese ntativ es of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That it shall be Ca rry

danger- unlawful for anyone to carry on or about his person any firearm or ous wea po ns in, unlaw- any dirk, dagger, or other knife, or other weapon, manufactured luL or sold for the purpose of offense or defense, or any slung shot, air gun, sword cane, blackjack, or any knuckles made of metal or other hard subs tanc e . SEC . 2 . That the preceding section shall not apply to a person Exceptions. . engaged in the military or naval service of the United States, or as a peace officer or officer authorized to execute judicial process of the United States or the Canal Zone, or in carrying mail or in the collection or custody of funds of the United States or the Canal Zone while such officers or persons are engaged in the performance of Gunorpistolclubs. their respective duties ; nor to a member of a gun or pistol club organized for the promotion of target practice, a certified copy of the constitution and by-laws of which have been approved by the Governor of the Panama Canal and filed with the chief of the police and fire division, when such member is going to or from a target certificate of MOM. range or is engaged in practice at the target range . A certificate bers bip. of membership in the gun or pistol club shall be issued by the organization and approved by the chief of police and fire division, which shall entitle the holder to carry firearms as is provided in this sect ion . Neit her sh all th e prec eding secti on app ly to any pe rson author ized to have or carry arms by permit granted under the terms of this Act . Pe rmits by Ci,- SE C. 3 . That the Governor of the Panama Canal may authorize error- the granting of permits to have and carry arms, as follows 1 . To hunt upon the public lands of the Canal Zone or upon lands H"t"' occupied by private persons, when authorized by the latter .

Possession of arms in 2. To have arms in residences, offices, 'business places, and planta. residences, etc. tions and to watchmen or overseers of plantations, factories, ware- houses, docks, or piers . Applications for such permits shall be made Ap plicatio ns . to the Governor of the Panama Canal, and shall contain the full name, residence, and occupation of the applicant ; and if the appli- cant is a minor it shall not be granted without the consent of his parent or guardian ; but no permit shall be granted to a minor under fifteen years of age . 3 . To carry arms in private aircraft for hunting or protection ~ in private air- of crew or cargo . SEC. 4. That when an application is granted by the governor for a Fee permit to hunt, he shall indorse his approval thereon and file the application, and he shall cause a permit to be issued to the applicant, upon his payment of a fee of $1 .

Hun ti ng area& Hu nting permit s issu ed by virtu e of t his Ac t will allo w the holder thereof to have, carry, and use firearms in the area or areas pre- scribed by the Governor of the Panama Canal, and on the conditions imposed by him under such general or special rules and regulations emoesigna tion by oov as he may issue from time to time . And the governor is hereby empowered to designate the area or areas of the Canal Zone in which hunting is permitted, and the class of arms that may be used in hunting in such areas ; and no hunting shall be allowed outside of the a reas so desig nate d by him. And the Gover nor of the Pan ama Regulations. Canal may, in such general or special rules and regulations, impose such other conditions in respect to hunting as he may deem necessary in the interests of public order and to prevent injury to persons or property .