Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/720

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72d CONGRESS . $ESS. I. CHS . 482, 492. JULY 14, 15, 1932 . Exemptions . patient medical s ervice an d except in cases of offic ers and e mployees engaged in field work the character of whose duties makes such transportation necessary and then only as to such latter cases when the same is approved by the head of the department . This section shall not apply to any motor vehicle for official use of the Secretary of War, and no other persons connected with the War Department or the M ilitary E stablishm ent, exce pt medic al office rs on out -patient medical service, shall have a Government-owned motor vehicle subsistence res trio - assigned for their exclusive use . tions . SE C. 3 . No part of any appropriation made by this Act shall be used to pay the actual expenses of subsistence in excess of $6 each for any one calendar day or per diem allowance for subsistence in excess of the rate of $5 for any one calendar day to any officer or employee of the United States in a travel status, and payment accordingly shall be in full, notwithstanding any other statutory provision n or L f unds ud for stion on po st ex- use SEC. 4. No part of any appropriation made by this Act shall be changes .

used in any way to pay any expense in connection with the conduct, operation, or management of any post exchange, branch exchange, or subexchange within any State, save and except for real assistance and convenience to enlisted men and their families and troops in supp lying them w ith ar ticles of or dinary use we ar, an d cons ump- Previaoa .

tion not furnished by the Government : Provided, That excess and Disposal of surplus surplus stocks of merchandise now on hand at any exchange, branch exchange, or subexchange may be disposed of, and all goods on consig nment shall be returned immediately : Provided further, That the Secretary of War shall make a report to the Speaker of the House o f Repr esenta tives and to the P residen t of t he Sen ate at the beginning of the next session of the Congress, covering the several exchang es, br anch e xchang es, an d sube xchange s oper ated b y or u nder the supervision of the War Department . Approved, July 14, 1932 . Report to Congress . [CHAPTER 492.] Jul lb, 1932 . [ƒ x.1155.1 To establish a Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Parole for the District of [Public, No . 2871

Columbia and to determine its functions, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and Howe of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be established in the District of Columbia a Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Parole for the penal institutions for said District, to consist of three members residents of said District, to be appointed by the Commissioners otl the District of Columbia, none of which members shall be officially connected with the prison administration in any other capacity ; that of the three members first appointed after the passage of this A ct one sh all be ap pointed f or three years, one for five years, and one for seven years ; thereafter all appoint- ments, except such as may be made for the remainder of unexpired terms, shall be for the term of seven years . It shall be the duty of the Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Parole to examine into th e phys ical, mental , and moral record s of th e pris oners commit ted to the penal institutions .of the District ; receive reports of wardens and other officials, including the psychiatrist ; recommend the treat- ment wh ich, i n thei r opin ion, i s most conduc ive to the p risone rs' reformation, and provide for a system of determining the proper time of r elease an d the reh abilitati on of the ex-priso ner in th e com- munity. The board shall adopt rules and regulations for its pro- cedure, subject to the approval of the Commissioners of District of Distri ct of C olumbi a . Board of Indeter- minate sentence and Parole, established . Compos ition,

ap- pointment, etc. Terms of once . Dubs. AN ACT