Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/719

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72d CONGRESS . SES S. I. CH. 482 . JULY 14,1932 .

695 Injury Compensation Act approved September 7, 1916 (U. S. C., ~PP~ent to alien title 5, sec . 793), to alien cripples who are now a charge upon the u l.39 p.7 0. Panama Cana l by reason of i njurie s sus taine d whi le emp loyed in

'3-1P'8 the construction of the Panama Ca na l ; for con tinuing the cons truc- ti on for the Madden Dam across the Chagres River at Alhajuela Madden p am for the storage of water for use in the maintenance and operation of the Panama Canal, together with a hydroelectric plant, roadways, and such other work as in the judgment of the Governor of the Panama Cana l may be ne cessa ry, to cost in the aggregate not to exceed $15,500,000 ; in all, $9,091,011, together with all moneys aris- ing from the conduct of business operations authorized by the Pan- ama Canal Act, and such sums, aggregating not to exceed $3 .500,000, as may b e deposi ted in t he Treas ury of t he United States as divi- dends by the Panama Railroad Company in excess of 10 per centum of the capital stock of such company . For sanitat ion, qua rantine, hospita ls, and medical aid and sup- Sa nlta ati on,etc. port of the insane and of lepers and aid and support of indigent persons legally within the Canal Zone, including expenses of their deportation when practicable, an d the purchase o f artificial limb s or Arctacisi limbs, etc ., other appliances for persons who were injured in the service of the toinjured employees . eem ployees . Isthmi an Ca nal C ommiss ion o r the Panama Canal prior to Sept em- ber 7, 1916, and including additional compensation to any officer of Ca Chief quarantine olii- the United States Public Health Service detailed with the Panama Canal as chief quarantine officer, $755,650 . For civil government of the Panama Canal and Canal Zone, pe~vilgovernment ex- including salaries of district judge, $10,000 ; district attorney, $5,000 ; marshal, $5,000 ; and gratuities and necessary clothing for indigent discharged prisoners, $1,300,000. Total Panama Canal, $11,146,661, to be available until expended . Availability. In additional to the foregoing sums there is appropriated for the Credi ts al lowe d. fiscal year 1933 for expenditures and reinvestment under the several heads of appropriation aforesaid, without being covered into the Treasury of the United States, all moneys received by the Panama Canal from services rendered or materials and supplies furnished to the U nited St ates, th e Panama Railroa d Company , the Ca nal Zone government, or to their employees, respectively, or to the Panama Government, from hotel and hospital supplies and services ; from rentals, wharfage, and like service ; from labor, materials, and sup- plies and other services furnished to vessels other than those passing through the canal, and to others unable to obtain the same else- where ; from the sale of scrap and other by-products of manufac- turing and shop operations ; from the sale of obsolete and unservice- able mat erials, supplies , and eq uipment purchased or acqu ired for the operation, maintenance, protection, sanitation, and government of the canal and Canal Zone ; and any net profits accruing from such business to the Panama Canal shall annually be covered in to th e Treasu ry of th e United States . In addition there is appropriated for the operation, maintenance, water, sewers, pave and extension of waterworks, sewers, and pavements in the cities of na co lon' to Panam a Panama a nd Colon , during the fis cal year 1933, th e necess ary por- tions of such sums as shall be paid as water rentals or directly by the Government of Panama for such expenses . SEC . 2 . No part of any money appropriated by this Act shall be own Use Gomveebrnei r used for maintaining, driving, or operating any Government-owned other than offi cial p ur- motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle not used exclusively for poses forbidden . official purposes ; and " official purposes " shall not include the trans- portation of officers and employees between their domiciles and places of employment except in cases of medical officers on ou t-