Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/730

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS. 511, 512. JUL Y 19, 1932 . between Fifth and Sixth Avenues and Forty-eighth and Fifty-first Street s, in th e Boroug h of Man hattan, city, an d State of New Y ork, upon wh ich arti cles the re shall be a ta riff or customs duty, sh all be admitted free of such tariff, customs duty, fees or charges under Sales permitted sub- such regulatio ns as the Secret ary of the Treas ury shall prescr ibe ; b ut ject to regu lations . i t shall be lawful, at any time during or at the close of any exhibition held pursuant to this Act, to sell for delivery at the close thereof any goods or property imported for and actually displayed at such exhibition, subject to such regulations for the security of the revenue and for the collection of import duties as the Secretary Proviso ' s .t of duty. of the Treasury shall prescribe : Provided, That all such articles, whe n so ld or withdrawn for consumption or use in the United States, shall be subject to the duty, if any, imposed upon such articles by the revenue laws in force at the date of their withdrawal and Corporati on consid- to the requirements of the tariff laws in effect at such date : And ered sole consignee . provided further, That Rockefeller Center (Incorporated) shall be deemed, for cus toms pur poses on ly, to b e the so le consi gnee of all merchandise imported un der the provisio& of th is Ac t, and th at all necessary governmental expenses incurred as a result of exhibi- Payment ofexpenses. tions authorized under this Act, including salaries of customs officials in charge of imported articles, shall be paid to the Treasury of the Uni ted Stat es by Ro ckefelle r Center (Incorp orated) under re gu- Unsold, etc., articles lations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury : And subject to duty at end of two years . provided further, That all such articles shall, at the expiration of two years, be suject to the impost duty then in force, unless the same shall have been sold or exported from this country prior to Invitation to exhibit that period of time : And provided further, That nothing in this not implied . Act contained sh all be construed as an invitatio n, express or imp lied, from the Government of the United States to any foreign govern- ment, st ate, mun icipalit y, corpo ration, partnersh ip, or i ndividua l to import any articles for the purpose of exhibition at the sa id exhibitions . Approved, July 19, 1932 . [CHA PTER 512 .] July t9932 .

AN ACT [9.447'6.] Granting the consent of Congress to the Highway Department of the State of [Public, No. 297 .]

Tennessee to construct a bridge across the South Fork, Forked Deer River on the Milan-Brownsville Road, State highway numbered 76, near the Hay- wood-Crockett County line, Tennessee . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Forked Deer River, United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the consent of South Fork . Tennesse e may Congress is hereby granted to the Highway Department of the State bridge, nea r Haywood- Croc kett Coun ty li ne . Of Tennessee, its successors and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate a highway bridge and approaches thereto across the South Fork, Forked Deer River, at a point suitable to the interests of navi- Construction .

gation, on the Milan-Brownsville Road, State highway numbered Vol .34,p.84. 76, near the Haywood-Crockett County line, Tennessee, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the con- struction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March 23, 1906. Amendment.

SEC. 2 . That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved . Approved, July 19, 1932 .