Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/731

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS . 513, 514. JULY 19,1 932 .

707 [CHAPTER 513 .] AN ACT Jul To encourage the mining of coal adjacent to the Alaska Railroad in the Terri-

u. 19,1932~ g


[H R . 12281 .] tory of Alaska, and for other purposes .

[Public, No. 298.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United S tates o f Americ a in Con gress as sembled, That in order to Alaska . prevent monopoly and to insure the continuance of two or more Coelfor Alaska Rail- road may be p urchased operating oal nines in the Territory of Alaska adjacent to th e fr om i two or more com- e Railroad, the general manager of the Alaska Railroad with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to purchase coal annually for the railroad from two or more operat- ing companies in that area at such reasonable price or prices as may be fixed and determined by said Secretary . App roved, July 19, 19 32 . [CHAPTER 514 .] AN' ACT July 19, 1932. Authorizing the sale of certain lands no longer required for public purposes in [9 .4712 .] the D istri ct of Colu mbia .

[Public, No. 299.] Be it enact ed by th e Senate and Hou se of Re presenta tives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Director 'District ofC la ds oumbi . of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital be, longer needed for pub- and he is hereby, authorized and empowered, in his discretion, for lic purposes, to be sold . the best interests of the U nited Sta tes, to s ell and c onvey, in whole or in part, to the highest bidder at private sale, the hereinafter- described lands in his custody no longer required for public purposes, in the District of Columbia, for cash for such price for each parcel sold as s hall be n ot less t han the p rice paid therefor by the G overn- ment plus 6 per centum per annum since the date such parcel was acquired by the United States, and also not less than the appraised value after an appraisal of its value is first made . SEC . 2 . That s aid direc tor, in m aking any such sa le, is au thorized, Preference to abut- first, to sell any such parcel of land -to the owner of lands abutting tingpropertyowners . the lands hereby authorized to be sold ; provided that the price bid and payable by any owner shall be equal to the highest price bid and pa yable by any other bidde r . SEC . 3 . That said director is further authorized to pay the reason- Deposit of net pro . able and necessary expenses of sale of each parcel of land sold, and ceeds of sales . shall deposit the net proceeds thereof in the Treasury to the credit Division of credits . of the United States and the District of Columbia in the proportion that each paid the appropriations from which the parcels of land were acquired, and shall include in his annual report a full report of the sales hereby a uthorized . SEc . 4. That the lands hereby authorized to be sold and conveyed Designated parcels, are situate in the District of Columbia and are generally described as follow s Parcel 1 . Part of lot 188 in square 103, in Beatty and Hawkins's addition to Georgetown, now known as lot 801 in square 1273, sur- vey book numbered 91, page 363 thereof, containing two thousand one hundred square feet, more or less, and known as numbers 3305 and 3307 Volta Place northwest, Washington, District of Columbia . Parcel 4. A piece of land containing one hundred and sixty-four thousand square feet, more or less, at or near Parkside Drive and Western Avenue, Rock Creek Park, Washington, District of Colum- bia, and being a part of United States reservation numbered 339.