Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1013

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DOUBLE TAX-8HIPPING PROFITS-NETHERLANDS. received on or after January 1, 1921, and that it notes that the exemption is granted. to corporations organized in the United States without limiting such exemption in any way. You also advised me that the Treasury Department states that the decree as submitted to its meets the equivalent exemption re- quirements of Section 213(b)(8) of the United States Revenue Acts of 1921, 1924, and 1926, and you finally stated that you should be pleased to have me inform you when the decree is issued. In reply thereto I have in compliance with instructions from my Government the honor to inform you that the Treasury- Depart- ment's above mentioned interpretation of the Royal Decree in question is correct and that the Decree in the form in which it was submitted was published on October 8, 1926 after having been pro- mulgated on October 1, 1926. Please accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest con- sideration. H. VAN ASCH VAN WYCK. THE HONORABLE, THE SECRETARY OF STATE, Washington, D. O. The Secretary oj State (KeUogg) to the Charge d'AiJaires ad interim oj the Neth~rlands (van lVyck) SIR: DEPARTMENT OF STATE, ,\\TASHINGTON, November 27, 1926. 2603 Referrin~ to your note of October 19, 1926, and to other corre- u~i~:lls"t::s~lon by spondence m regard to the double taxation of income derived exclu- SIvely from the operation of ships, it affords me pleasure to inform you that I have received from the Acting Secretary: of the Treasury a letter dated November 8, 1926, from which the following is quoted: "Inasmuch as the Netherlands Government has promulgated the Royal Decree in the form in which it was submitted to this Depart- ment, and has informed this Government that the Treasury Depart- ment's interpretation of the Royal Decree is correct, it is held that the Netherlands satisfies the equivalent exemption requirements of Section 213(b)(8) of the Revenue Acts of 1921, 1924 and 1926. Consequently, the income of a non-resident alien or a foreign cor- poration which consists exclusively of earnings derived from the operation of a ship or ships documented under the laws of the Netherlands is exempt from income tax imposed by the Revenue Acts of 1921, 1924, and 1926." Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my high consideration. For the Secretary of State: LELAND HARRISON JONKHEER DR. H . VAN ASCH VAN WYCK, Charge d'AiJaires ad interim oj the Netherlands. [No. 11]