Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1087

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AIR NAVIGATION-ITALY . Sono lieto di assicurare Vostra Eccellenza che il testo che precede e quale e stato accettato dal mio Govemo nel corso dei negoziati ed e da esso approvato. Conforme al suggerimento dell'Eccell(>nztl Yostra rimane inteso che l'Accordo entrera in vigore il 31 ottobre 1931. Voglia gradire, Signor Segretario di Stato, gli stti della min piu alta considerazione. THE HONORABLE HENRY L. STIMSON, Secretary oj State, IVashington, D. O. A. MARCHETTI Regio Incaricato d' Alfan. [Translation) MR. SECRETARY OF STATE: ROYAL ITALIAN EMBASSY, October 14, 1931, Year IX. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the note of the 13th instant in which Your Excellency communicated to me the text, agreed upon, of the reciprocal arrangement between Italy and the United States for the admission of civil aircraft into the respective countries, the issuance of pilot licenses, and the acceptance of cer- tificates for aircraft and accessories imported as merchandise. This text, in the opinion of Your Excellency, is in accord with the under- standings reached during the negotiations, now terminated, between the two countries. The text communicated to me by Your Excellencv is reproduced in I talian below: ~ [Here follows the Italian text of the arrangement, articles 1 to 10 inclusive, which is the e~uivalent of the English text communi- cated to the Royal Italian Embassy by the Department of State in its note of October 13, 1931, ante, page 2672.] I am glad to assure Your Excellency that the foregoing text is what has been accepted by my Government in the course of the negotiations and is approved by it. In accordance with the suggestion of Your Excellency, it is under- stood that the arrangement will come into force on the 31st of October, 1931. Please accept, Mr. Secretary of State, the assurances of my high consideration. THE HONORABLE HENRY L. STIMSON, Secretary oj State, R'ashington, D. O. [No. 24] A. }"fARCHETTI Royal Oharge d'Affaires. 2677 Aooeptanee by Italy.