Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1088

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2678 LOAD-LINE CERTIFICATES-JAPAN. F .. bruarr 13, Marcb Arrangement between the United States of America and Japan for the 19 and 30, August 25, • l .. ,.(l d·1·


E"IT.tdb ha riep_te.mher7.1931. reC'tproca recognilwn OJ .oa '"'tne cert·y",o.ates. ~,ece y exc nge of notes, signed February 13, 1931, Marck 19 and 30, 1.931, August 25, 1931, and September 7, 1931. T!te American Oharge d'Affaires ad interim (Dooman) to the Japanese l.finister for Foreign Affai1's (Shideha.ra) No. 46. EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TOKYO, Febr?Ulry 13, 1931. EXCELLENCY: Arrangement with I have the honor to advert t{) the Embassy's note No 194 dated . Japan for the reciprocal • . , reoogn1tfon of JOIItJ·JiDe August 24, 1922, proposmg an arrangement between the Govern- oortlftcates. ments of the United States and Japan for the reciprocul recognition of ship load-line certificates pending the enactment of suitable legis- lation by the United States, and to the note No. 147, dated October 25, 1922, of Your Excellency's predecessor, Count Uchida, express- ing the readiness of the Impenal Government to recognize certifi- "'1 . ~:" p. 14\I~. cates of this nature issued to American vessels. I now have the honor to inform Your Excellency that a law, entitled "An Act to Establish load-lines for American vessels, and for other purposes," was enacted by the Congress of the United States, and became effec- t.ive September 2, 1930. Your Excellency will recall that our respective Governments, to- gether with other interested Governments, entered into an national load-line convention, which was signed at London on July 5, 1930. I am now instructed to inquire whether Your Excellency's Goyemment would be willing to continue the arrangement in respect of ship load-line certificates made between our two Governments in 1922, pending the coming into force of the above-mentioned con- vention of July 5, 1930. In tronsmitting herewith a copy of the "Regulations for tbe Establishment of Load-lint's for Merchant Vessels of 250 Gross Tons or Over When Engaged in a Foreign voyage by Sea", I have the honor to request Your Excellency to be so kind as to supply me with a copy of the Japo.nese Jaws and regulations (wit.h official English translations if they be available), pertaining to load-lines of mer- chant vessels. I a vail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellenev the assurances of my highest consideration. W HIS EXCELLENCY BARON KIJURO SUIDEHARA, etc., His Imperial Japanese Majesty's Afinister for Foreign Affairs. etc., EUGENE H. DOOMAN. etc.