Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/172

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1778 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. May 12, 1m. INSURANCE CORPORATIONS, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. [So Con. Res., No. 2'1.) Resolved bll the Sennie (the HO'IJ8e ol Representatives CfmCUrring) , Insurance corpora- That the actIon of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and tioas, District or Co- of the Vice President of the United States in si~ing the enrolled l":!~nment of bill bill (S. 8584) to require all insurance corporations formed under the relat:~~::~~J' provIsions 01 Chapter XVIII of the Code of Law of the District of m~n~, p.l'ri6. I • Columbia to maintain their principal offices and places of business within the District of Columbia, and for other purposes, be, and the same is hereby, rescinded, and that the Secretary of the Senate be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to reenroll the bill with the following amendments in the nature of corrections, viz: On page 1, line 11 of the engrossed House amendment, after the word "cor- poration 1, insert the following: "kept in a branch-office agency of such corporation"; and on page 1, line 12, of the engrossed House amendment, after" agency' , insert: : And provided. f'Ull'ther, That Antt, p. 158 . any insurance corporation created by special Act of Congress is hereby authorized upon resolution of its board of directors or trustees to reincorporate under the laws of any State of the United States, a certified copy of such resolution of such board of directors or trustees having first been filed in the office of the Superintendent of Insur- ance of the District of Columbia and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of the District of Columbia. Upon compliance with the Ilbove conditions, the assets of the corporation shall thereby become vested in the new corporation. Said new corporation shall faithfully carry out any and every right, obligation, and liability of said original corporation. Passed, May 12, 1932. MBY 26, 1932. IH. Con. Res., No. 31.) STATUE OF CHARLES BRANTLEY AYCOCK. Resolt'ed by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), StBtue of Charles That there be printed with illustrations and bound fiye thousand Br;:.!::i~:C!~ ac- copies of the proceedings in Congress, together with the proceedings oe~tance of, ordered held at the unveiling in Statuary Hall, upon the acceptance of the pr~~·p.lm. statue of Charles Brantley Aycock, presented by the State of North Distribution. Carolina, of which one thousand copies shall be for the Senate and two thousand five hundred copies for the use of the House of Repre- sentatives, and the remaining one thousand five hundred copies shall be for the use and distribution of the Senators and Representatives in Congress from the State of North Carolina. June 7, 11132. is. Con. Res., No. 30 .1 The Joint Committee on Printing is hereby authorized to have the copy prepared for the Public Printer and shall procure suitable illustrations to be published with these proceedings. Passed, May 26, 1932. REVENUE ACT OF 1932. Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives (Jonouning) , Rev~nue Act of 19:?2. That there be printed 41,000 additional copies of Public Law orTarmstroBot (talk). COPIes Numhered 154, known as the Revenue Act of 1932, of which 13,000 ~~tt, p. r:~' cop~es shall be for the use of the Senate Document Room. 25,000 COpIes for the use of the House Dvcument Room, 1,000 copies for the