Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/173

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CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. use of the Commitue on Finance of the Senate, and 2,000 copies for the use of the Committee on 'Vays and Means of the House of Representatives. Passed, .June 7, 1932. STATUE OJ' GENERAL JOHN SEVIER. 1779 June 11, 1032. (s. Con. Re8., No. 7.J Resol1Jed by the Senate (the HOU8e of Representative8 ~""U), That there be printed with illustrations and bound five thousand statue of General copies of the proceedings in Congress, together with the proceedings :r~ 8evJer. held 8t the unveiling in Statuary Hall, upon the acceptance of the;fn~ ~ statue of General John Sevier, presented by the State of Tennessee, A::: 1774 of which one thousand shall be for the use of the Senate, two thou- Dtstri~~tlon: sand five hundred for the use of the House of Representatives, and the remaining one thousand five hundred copies shall be for the use and distribution of the Senators and Representatives in Congre&S from the State of Tennessee. The Joint Committee on Printing is hereby authorized to have IJlustntIaDL the copy prepared for the Public Printer and shall procure suitable illustrations to be published with these proceedings. Passed, June 11, 1932. STATUES OF JUNIPERO SERRA AND THOMAS STARR KING. JUDe 11, 11182. Is. Con. Res., No. 21 .J Resolt'ed by the Se'nate (the House of Representative8 corwurring) That there be printed with illustrations and bound five thousand Statues of JUDipwo copies of the proceedings in Congress, together with the proceedings =~ Thomas held at the unveiling in Statuary Hall, upon the acceptance of the ~ on &Co statues of Junipero Serra and Thomas Starr King, presented by ;I'nt:r of. ordered the State of California, of which one thousand shall be for the use VoL 4G, p. 2179. of the Senate and two thou~and five hundred for the use of the Dlstrlbution. House of Representatives, and the remaining one thousand five hun- dred copies shall be for the use and distribution of the Senators and Representatives in C<mgress from the State of California. The Joint Committee on Printing is hereby authorized to have IllWltrat1oDs. the copy prepared for the Public Printer and shall procure suitable illustrations to be published with these proceedings. Passed, June 11, If)32. STATUES OF JEFFERSOX DAVIS A~D JAMES z. GEORGE. J u.oe 11, 11132. Is. Con. Res., No. 24 .] Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That there be printed with illustrations and bound fifteen thousand statues or JetJerson copies of the proceedings in Congress, together with the proceedings =aDd James Z. held at the unveiling in StatuarJ Hall, upon the acceptance of the Pr~lngl! on &Co statues of Jefferson Davis and ames Z. George, presented by the oe~~oe of, ordered State of Mississippi, of which one thousand shall be for the Senate P • and twc thousand three hundred for the use of the House of Repre- Distribution. sentatives, and the remainin~ eleven thousand seven hundred copies shall be for the use and distnbution of the Senators and Representa- tives in Congress from the State of Mississippi. The Joint Committee on Printing is hereby authorized to have the Illustlations. copy prepared for the Public Printer and shall procure suitable illus- trations to be published with these proceedings. Passed, June 11, 1932.