Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/301

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CONVENTION-COMMERCIAL AVIATION. FEBRUARY 20, 1928. 1907 . AJmCLE XXIII The establishment &.'ld operation of airdromt".8 will be regu!ated by the legislation of each country, equality of treatment being observed. AlrrICLE XXIV The aircraft of one contracting state engaged in international com- merce with another contracting state shall not be compelled to paJ other or higher charges in airports or airdromes open to the pubbc than would be paid }iy national aircraft of th~ state visited, likewise engaged in international commerce. AlmCLl!l XXV AlrdroJDell. Equalit)' of 00.... So long as a contracting state shall not have established appropri- oh!,ffi!=:la~mfZo ate regulations, the commander of an aircraft shall have tights and duties analogous to those of the captain of a merchant steamer, ac- . cording to tlie respective laws of each state. The salvage of aircraft lost at sea shall be ~ated in the absence of any agreement to the contrary, by the principles of maritime law. AlrrIOLB XXVII 8a1vacerecWaUoDs. The aircra.ft of all states shall have the right, in cases of danger, to .tid, in cases of daD- all possible aid. . ARTICLII XXVIII Reparations for damages caused to persons or property located in ~aratioD8 for dam- the subjacent territory shall be governed by the laws of each sta.te. ages AlmOLB XXIX In case of war the stipulations of the present convention shall not t~~::,~f actloD fD affect the freedom. of action of the contracting states either as bellig- erents or as neutrals. ARTICLE XXX The right of any of the contracting states to enter into any conven- aerial tion or special a~ent with any other state or states concerning Da at on. international aerial navigation is recognized, so long as such conven- 8t!greem~W'een tion or special agreement shall not impair the rights or obligations of OIDl:Jc:on ' reo- any of the states parties to this convention, acquired or imposed Of~t~to~e~;~ta herein; provided, liowever, that two or more states, for reasons of . reciprocal convenience and interest may agree upon appro'priate Operation, and regU}ations pertain!!tg to the operation of aircraft and the fixing of routes. specified routes. These regulationS shall in no case prevent the establishment and o~ration of practicable inter-American aerial lines and terminals. These regulations shall guarantee equality of treatment of the aircraft of each and eve~ one of the contracting states and shall be subject to the same conditions as are set forth in Article 5 of this convention with respect to prohibited areas within Ante, p. 1902. the territory of a particular state. Notbing contained in this convention shall affect the rights and Existing treaties not obligations established by existing treaties. atlected. ARTICLE XXXI The contracting states obligate themselves in so far as possible to atPv:'~ cooper. cooperate in inter-American measures relative to: . a) The centralization and distribution of meteorological informa- Meteorological intor· tion, whether statistical, current or special; matiOD.