Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/302

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1908 CONVE~TIOX-COMMERCIAL AVIATION. FEBRUARY 20,1928. Aeronautical ch8l"ta. etc. Radiotelegraph. t'niforrn serial navi- gation laws. b) The publication of uniform aeronautical charts, as well as the establishment of a uniform system of signals; c) The use of radiotelegraph in aerial navigation, the establish- ment of the necessary radiotelegraph stations and the observance of the inter-American and international radiotelegraph regulations or conventions at present existing or which may come into existence. Almcu XXXII The contracting states shall procure as far tiS possible uniformity of laws and regulations governing aerial navigation. The Pan American Union shall cooperate WIth the governments of the con- tracting states to attain the desir~d uniformity of laws and regula- tions for aerial navigation in the states parties to this convention.

'I!utual exchange of

Each contracting state shall exchange with every other contracting rul~s. etc. state within three months after the date of ratification of this con- vention copies of its air-traffic rules and requirements as to compe- tency for aircraft commanders pilots, engineers, and other members Amendments.. IX>posit of ratifica- tion with Cuba. E tlective date. Adhesions. Arbitration of di1Ier· ences. of the o~rating crew, and the requirements for airworthiness of aircraft mtended to enga~ in international commerce. Each contracting state shall deposit with every other state party to this convention and with the Pan American Union three months prior to the date proposed for their enforcement any additions to or amendments of the regulations referred to in the last preceding paragraph. ARTICLE XXXIIT Each contracting state shall deposit its ratification with the Cuban Government, which shall thereupon inform the other contracting states. Such ratification shall remain deposited in the archives of the Cuban Government. ARTICLE XXXIV The present convention will come into force for each signatory state ratifying it in respect to other states which have alr~ady ratI- fied, forty days from the date of deposit of its ratification. ARTICLE XXXV Any state may adhere to this convention by giving notice thereof to the Cuban Government, and such adherence shall be effective forty days thereafter. The Cuban Government shall inform the other signatory states of such adherence. ARTICLE XXXVI In case of disagreement between two contracting states regarding the interpretation or execution of the present convention the question shall, on the request of one of the governments in disagreement, be submitted to arbitration as hereinafter provided. Each of the gov- ernments involved in the disagreement shall choose another govern- ment not interested in the question at issue and the government so chosen shall arbitrate the dispute. In the event the two arbitrators cannot reach an agreement they shall appoint another disinterested government as additional arbitrator. If the two arbitrators c&nnot agree upon the choice of this third government, each arbitrator shall propose a government not interested in the dispute and lots shall be drawn between the two governments proposed. The drawing shall devolve upon the Governmg Board of the Pan American Union. The decision of the arbitrators shall be by majority vote.