Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/346

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1952 POSTAL COXVENTION-AMERICAS AND SPAIN. NOV. 10, 1931. ARTfcULO 4 Reforwarding by Las Altas partes contratantes rapid transit. se prestaran la mas amplia y eficaz cooperaci6n ~ara rcexpedir por la via mas rapidala correspon- dencia que reciban procedente de cualquiera de elIas y con destino a otro pais adherido a la Uni6n Postal de las Americas y Espana o a la Uni6n Postal Universal. Asimismo convienen en conceder, por parte de sus respectivas Ad- ministraciones, la maxima prefe- rencia a la distribuci6n de esta Maximum preference. clase de correspondencia. ARTfcULO 5 Exchange of accounts. Las cuentas a que den lugar los servicios aereos establecidos entre dos 0 mas paises se cambiaran di- rectamente entre las Administra- ciones postales interesadas. Agreement tracts with Regulations. ARTfcULO 6 o~re::t Las Altas partes contratantes se comprometen a poner de acuer- do aquellas concesiones 0 con- tratos preexistentes, sujetos a renovaci6n, que hubieran cele- brado con Comparuas partieu- lares de transportes aereos y los <Iue se ajusten en 10 sucesivo, con las disposiciones estipuladas en el presente Reglamento. ARTfcULO 7 Prior agreement n608888l'Y • La utilizaci6n de una linea postal aerea por parte de cualquie- ra de las Administraciones con- venidas, s610 podra. realizarse p'!"e- vio acuerdo con la Adminjstraci6n de la cual dependa dicho servicip, y, salvo disposiciones en contrario, esta Ultima sera la 11nicallamada a regular las condiciones, precios y forma de pago del servicio utilizado. ARTfcULO 8 Notifica~i,?n of pres. Dentro del plazo maximo de 8I1t oondltiODS, etc., • • d1fh r1f air services. selSmesas,apartIr e a ec aen que se ;J?ongan en vigor las pre- sentes disposiciones, las Adminis- ARTICLE 4 The high contracting parties shall lend to one another the most ample and effective cooperation for the r('forwarding by the most rapid route of the correspondence which they may receive.. originat.. ing in any of them and destined for another country adhering to the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain or the Universal Post- al Uruon. Likewise, they agree to concede, on the part of their respective Admini8trations, the maximum preference to the dis- tribution of this class of corre- spondence. ARTICLE 5 The accounts arising from the air services established between two or more countries shall be ex- changed directly between the Postal Administrations concerned. ARTICLE 6 The high contracting parties obligate themselves to place those preexisting concessions or con- tracts, subject to renewal, which may have been concluded with the individual air transport com- panies, and those which they shall enter into in the future, in agreement with the provisions stipulated in the present Regula- tions. ARTICLE 7 The utilization of an air mail line by an, of the signatory AdmirustratlOns can be brought about only through prior agree- ment with the Administration to which said service is subordinate, and, in the absence of provisions to the contrary, the latter shall be the only one called upon to regulate the conditiond, prices and form of payment for the serv- ice utilized. ARTICLE 8 Within the maximum period of six months from the effective date of the present provisions, the Administrations of the adher-