Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/358

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1964 PARCEL POST AGREEMENT-AMERICAS-SPAIN. NOV. 10, 1931. Effective date. Duratioll. Ratifications. ARTiCULO 15 Vigencia y duraci6n del Acuerdo 1. El presente Acuerdo comen- zara a regir ell de marzo de 1932, y quedara. en vigencia sin limita- d6n de tiempo, reservlmdose cada una de la.s partes contratantes el derecho de denunciarlo, mediante aviso dado por su Gobierno 81 de la Republica Oriental del Unt- guay, con un ano de anticipac; ~_1. 2. El dep6sito de las ratifica- dones se harB. en Madrid en el mas breve plazo posible; se le- vantara. un Acta relativa al de- p6sito de las ratificaciones de cada pais, y el Gobierno de Espana, re- mitira. por la via diplomatica una copia de dicha Acta a los Gobier- nos de losdemas paisessignatarios. Pan _\mericsn Par· Qddd . eel-Post Convention 3. ue an eroga as, a partlI' abrogated. de la fecha en que entre en Vlgor el Vol. 45, p. 2434. Ad1 . I presente cuer 0, as estipu a- dones del Convenio de Encomien- das, sancionado en Mexico el 9 de noviembre de 1926. Validity if not UDaII' 4. En caso deJue el Acuerdo imoosly ratified. no fuere ratific 0 por uno 0 varios de los paises contratantes, no dej ara. de ser vlilido para los que 10 hubieren ratificado. Provisional retiflca- 5. Los. paises contratantes po- tion. dran ratificar este Acuerdo, pro- visionalmente, ]lor corresponden- cia, dando aV180 de ello a las Administraciones respectivas por medio de la Oficina. Internacional, sin. perjuicio de que, segUn la legisIaci6n de cada pais y previa aprobaci6ndelos Congresos nacio- nates, sea. confirmada por la via diploma.tica.. Signatures. En fe de 10 resuelto, los Pleni- potenciarios de los paises enume- rados suscriben el presente Acuerdo en Madrid, a diez de noviembre de mil novecientos treinta y uno. Por Argentina: R. CORREA LUNA. Par Bolivia: G. A . OTERO. Par Bras1l: LUIS GUIMARAES. ARTICLE 15 Effective date and duration oj tht Agreement . 1. The present Agreement wLl become effective March 1, 1932, and will remain in force without time limit, each of the contracting parties reserving the right to abrogate it by means of notice given b~ its Government to that of the Republic of Uruguay, one year in advance. 2. The deposit of ratifications will be effected in Madrid as soon as possible; the relative certificate will be made up in regard to the ratification by each country, and the Government of Spain will send a coPY of the said certifi.cate, through diplomatic channels, to the Governments of the other sig- nator:r countries. 3. The stipulations of the Par- cel-Post Convention sanctioned in Mexico on November 9, 1926, are abrogated, be~g with the the date on which the ,Present Agreement becomes effectIve. 4. In case that the Agreement is not ratified by one or more of the contracting countries, it will none the less be valid for the countries which have ratified it. 5. The contracting countries may ratify this Agreement provi- sionally, by correspondence, giving notice thereof to the respective Administrations through the me- dium of the International Office, without prejudice to the fact that, according to the legislation of each coun~ and after approval by the National Congresses, it may be confirmed through diplo- matic channels. In faith of which, the Pleni- potentiaries of the countries enu- merated _sign the present Agree- ment at Madrid, on the tenth of November, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one. Por Estados Unidos de America: P. W . IRVING GLOVER: EUGENE R. WHITF' EUGENE R. WHITE . Par Guatemala: ENRIQUE TRAUMANN.