Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/417

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MULTILATERAL CONVENTION-WAR PRISONERS. JULY 27,1929. 2023 LE PREsIDENT DES ETATS-UNIS D'AMERIQUE: L'Honorable Eliot Wadsworth, ancien Secretaire adjoint de la Tresorerie, S. Exc. l'Honorable Hugh R. Wilson, Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre ~Ienipotentiaire des Etats-Unis a'Amerique A Berne; THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED Plenipotentiaries- STATES OF AMERICA: Oontinued. The Honorable Eliot Wads- worth, former Assistant Secre- tary of the Treasury, His Excellency the Honorable Hugh R. Wilson, Envoy Extraor- dinary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary of the United States of Amer- ica at Berne; LE PREsIDENT FEDERAL DE LA THE FEDERAL PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIQUE D'AUTRICHE: M. Marc Leitmaier, Dr en Droit, Conseiller ministeriel A la Chancellerie federale, Departe- ment des Affaires etrangeres; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DES BELGES: M. Paul Demolder, General Major Medecin, Commandant du Service de Santa de la Ire Circon- scription militaire, M. JosePl1 de Ruelle, Juriscon- sulte du Ministere des Affaires etrangeres; LE PREsIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE BOLIVIE: S. Exc. M . Alberto Cortadellas, Ministre-Resident de Bolivie a Berne; LE PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DES ETATS-UNIS DU BREsIL: S. Exc. M . Raoul de Rio- Branco, Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre plempotentiaire du Bresil ABerne; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE GRANDE- BRETAGNE, D'IRLANDE ET DES TERRITOIRES BRITAN- NIQUES AU DELA DES MERS, EMPEREUR DES INDES: POUR LA GRANDE-BRETAGNE ET L'IRLANDE DU NORD, AINSI QUE TOUTE PARTIE DE L'EMPIRE BRITANNIQUE NON MEMBRE SEPARE DE LA SOCIETE DES NATIONS: Le Tree Honorable Sir Horace Rumbold, G.C.M .G., M.V.O., Arnbassadeur de Sa Majesta Bri- tannique ABerlin j REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA.: Herr Marc Leitmaier, Doctor of Laws, Ministerial Counselor at the Federal Chancellery, Depart- ment of Foreign. Affairs; HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF THE BELGIANS: M. Paul Demolder, S~eon General, Chief of the Medical Corps of the First Military Dis- trict, M. Jose\>h de Ruelle, Counselor of the MinIstry of Foreign. Affairs: THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF BOLIVIA: His Excellency Sr. Alberto Cor- tadellas, Minister Resident of Bolivia at Berne; THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL: His Excellency Sr. Raoul de Rio-Branco, Envoy Extraordi- nary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary of Brazil at Berne; HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF GREAT BRITAIN, IRELAND AND THE BRITISH DOMINIONS BE- YOND THE SEAS, EMPEROB OF INDIA: FOR GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN mELAND AND ALL PARTS OF THE BBITISH EMPIRE WHICH ARE NOT SEPARATE MEMBERS OF THII LEAGUE OF NATIONS: • The Right Honorable Sir Hor- ace Rumbold, G.C.M.G., M.V .O ., Ambassador of His Britannic Majesty at Berlin j