Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/490

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2096 MULTILATERAL CONVENTION-SICK,WOUNDED. JULY 27,1929. communiquera. cette notification aux Gouvernflments de toutes les Hautes Partbs Contractantes. La denonciation ne vaudra qu'A l'egard de la Haute Partie Con- tractante qui l'aura notifiee. En outre, cette denonciation ne produira pas ses effets au cmIrS d'une guerre dans laquelle sefait impliquee la Puissance denon- ~ante. En ce cas, la presente Convention continuera Aproduire ses effets, au-dela. du delai d'un an! jusqu'A la conclusion de la psJ.X. ARTICLE 89. ~i=fl~ ~e d~ Une copie certifiee oonformc de Nations archives. la presents Convention sera depo- see aux archives de la Societe des Nations par les soins du Conseil federal suisse. De m~me, les rati- fications, adhesions et denoncia- tions qui seront notifiees au Con- seil federal suisse seront communi- quees par lui a. la Societe des Nations. Signatures. EN FOI DE QUOI les Plenipo- tentiaires susnommes ont signe la presente Convention. FAIT A Geneve, Ie vingt-sept juliet mil neuf cent vingt-neuf, en un seul exemplaire, qui rester&. depose aux archives de la Confe- deration Suisse et dont des copies, certifiees conformes, seront remi- ses aux Gouvernements de tous les pays invites A la Conference. Pour l'Allemagne: EDMUND RHOMBERG Pour les 2tats-Unis d'Ambique: ELIOT WADSWORTH HUGH R. WILSON Pour l'Autrich.e: LEITMAIER Pour la Belgique: Dr DEMOLDER J. DE RUELLE Pour la Bolivie: A. CORTADELL/.B Pour le Bresil: RAUL DO RIO-BRANCO eil. The latter shall communi- cate such notification to the Gov- ernments of all the High Con- tracting Parties. The denunciation shall have effect only with respect to the High Contracting Party which gave notification of it. Moreover, such denunciation shall not take effect during a war in which the denouncing Power is involved. In this case, the present Convention shall con- tinue in effect, beyond the period of one year, until the conclusion of peace. ARTICLE 89. A duly certified copy' of the present Convention shall be de- posited in the archives of the League of Nations by the Swiss Federal Council. Likewise, rati- fications, adhesions, and denun- ciations of which the Swiss Fed- eral Council has been notified shall be communicated by it to the League of Nations. IN FAITH WHEREOF, the Pleni- potentiaries named ahove have signed the present Convention. DONE at Geneva, the twenty- seventh of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine, in a single copy, which shall remain in the archives of the Swiss Confederation and duly cer- tified copies of which shall be for- warded to the Governments of all the countries invited to the Con- ference. For Germany: EDMUND R HOMBERG For t~e United States oj Amer- 'tea: ELIOT WADSWORTH HUGH R. WILSON For Austria: LEITMAIER For Belgium: Dr.OEM'OLDER J. DE RUELLE For Bolivia: A. CORTADELLAB For Brazil: RAUL DO RIO-BRANCO