Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1104

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73d C ONGRESS. SESS. II. CH. 652. JUNE 19, 1934 . direct or indirect common control with, any such carrier, to prescribe the manner in which such reports shall be made, and to require from such persons specific answers to all questions upon which the Com- mission may need information . Such annual reports shall show in detai l the amount of ca pital stock issued, the a mount and pr ivileg es of each class of stock, the amounts paid therefor, and the manner of payment for the same ; the dividends paid and the surplus fund, if any ; the number of stockholders (and the names of the thirty largest holders of each class of stock and the amount held by each)

the funded and floating debts and the interest paid thereon ; the cost and va lue of the c arrier 's pro perty, franch ises, and eq uipmen ts ; th e number of employees and the salaries paid each class

the names of

all of ficers and d irecto rs, an d the amount of sal ary, b onus, and al l other compensation paid to each ; the amounts expended for improve- ments eac h year, ho w expended , and the character of such improvements ; the earnings and receipts from each branch of busi- Profit and loss bal- ness and from all sources ; the operating and other expenses ; the ante.

balances of profit and loss ; and a complete exhibit of the financial Exhibit of financial operations.

oper ation s of the c arri er ea ch ye ar, inclu ding an a nnual bala nce . sheet . Such reports shall also contain such information in relation to charges or regulations concerning charges, or agreements, arrange- ment s, or c ontr acts aff ecti ng the same , as the Co mmis sion may require . (b) Such reports shall be for such twelve months' period as the Commission shall designate and shall be filed with the Commission at its office in Washington within three months after the close of the year for which the report is made, unless additional time is granted in any case by the Commission ; and if any person subject to the provisions of this section shall fail to make and file said annual reports within the time above specified, or within the time extended by the Commission, for making a nd filing the same, or shall f ail to make specif ic ans wer to any qu estion autho rized by the provisions of this section within thirty days from the time it is lawfully required so to do, such person shall forfeit to the United States the sum of $100 for each and every day it shall continue to be in default with respect thereto . The Commission may by general or special orders require any such carriers to file monthly reports of earnings and expenses and to file periodical and/or special reports concerning any matters with respect to w hich the Commission is authorized or required by law to act ; and such periodical or special reports shall be under oath whenever the Commission so requires . If any such carrier shall fail to make and file any such periodical or special report within the time fixed by the Commission, it shall be subject to th e forf eiture s abov e prov ided . Manner to be made. Information to con- tain. Capital stock issued . Dividend payments ; surplus fund . Numbe r of stock- holders . Debts. Val uat ion of pr op- erty. Employees and sal- aries . Officers, etc . Improveme nt penditures . Charges or regula- tions. Period of time re- ports to comprise . Filing . Penalty for failure . Monthly reports of earnings and expenses . Accounts, records, and memoranda. Form . Depreciation charges . C las sifi cat ion of property for which may be included. Modifications . ex- Earnings and re- ceipts. ACC OUN TS, RE COR DS, AND MEMORANDA ; DEPRECIATION CHARGES SEC . 2 20 . (a) Th e Comm ission may, in its discr etion, prescr ibe th e forms of any and all accounts, records, and memoranda to be kept by carriers subject to this Act, including the accounts, records, and memoran da of the mo vement of tr affic, as wel l as o f the receip ts and expen ditur es of mon eys . (b) The Commission shall, as soon as practicable, prescribe for such ca rriers the c lasses of pr operty for wh ich de precia tion c harges may be properly included under operating expenses, and the percent- ages of depreciation which shall be charged with respect to each of such classes of property, classifying the carriers as it may deem proper for this purpose . The Co mmi ss ion ma y, wh en it dee ms necessary, modify the classes and percentages so prescribed . Su ch