Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1151

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73d CON GRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 670-672 . JUNE 19, 1934 .

1125 through the executive vice president of such corporation, Charles A . Mills : Provided further, That the Secretary of War, before deliv- ering such property, shall take from such corporation a good and sufficient bond for the safe return of such property in good order and condition, and the whole without expense to the United States . Approved, June 19, 1934 . [CHAPTER 671 .1 AN ACT Providing educational opportunities for the children of soldiers, sailors, and June 19,1934 .

[H.R . 9143 .j marines who were killed in action or died during the World War.

[Public, No . 435.1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Unite d Stat es of Ameri ca in Congre ss ass emble d, That there is Children of veterans hereby authorized to be appropriated, from funds to the credit of WoorldWar .°~ during the District of Columbia in the Treasury of the United States not Appropriation pr sd- y

thorized o pr othe rwis e ap prop riat ed, the sum of $ 3,60 0, a nnua lly, for the fis cal edueational opportuni- ties for . years 1935 to 1943, inclusive, for aid in the education of children (between the ages of sixteen and twenty-one years, inclusive, who have had their domicile in the District of Columbia for at least five years) of those who lost their lives during the World War as a result of ser vice i n the m ilitary or na val for ces of the Un ited St ates, including tuition, fees, maintenance, and the purchase of books and supplies : Provided, That not more than $200 shall be available for any one child in any one year : Provided further, That appropria- tions made in accordance with this Act shall be expended, under rules and regulations prescribed by the Board of Education of the District of Columbia, only for such children as the said Board, from time to time, may find to be in need of such aid and in such amounts as the said Board from time to time may determine in the case of each child . Appro ved, June 19, 1934 . [CHAPTER 672 .1

AN ACT To regulate the business of life insurance in the District of Columbia . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United State s of America in Congress A ssembled,

Life Insurance Act . D.C. Contents . CONTENTS CHAPTER I-TITLE AND DEFINITIONS Sec. 1. Short title . Sec . 2 . Definitions . CHAPTIM 11-POWERS AND DUTIES OF SUPERINTENDEN T- GENERAL PROVISIONS See. 1 . Insurance department ; Superintendent of insurance ; oath ; assistants ; seal ; certificate with evidence ; annual report . See. 2 . Fees and charges . Sec. 3. Taxes. Sec. 4 . Tax refunds. See. 5. Certificate of authority. See. 6. Rev ocat ion of cert ific ate of aut hori ty . Sec. 7. Annual statement forms to be furnished by Superintendent . Sec. 8. Annual statement . See . 9. Penalty for false statement. See. 10. Deceptive statements prohibited . Sec. 11. Contents of advertisements . bond ; Bond required . Provisos . Restriction . Expenditure. June 19, 193 4.

[H.R .9178.1 _ [Public, No . 435 .[ Title and definitions, p. 1127 . Powers and duties of Sup eri nte nde nt, Ge n- eral provisions, post, p . 1129.