Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1254

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 756. JUNE 26, 1934 . (22) National Guard, section 87, National Defense Act (fiscal year) (8-715) . (23) Indian- school improv ements, Act A pril 21, 1904 4x794) (24) Purchas e of lands fo r landless In dians in Calif ornia, Act March 3, 1925 (4x812) . (25) Yuma Au xiliary Irrig ation Project , Arizona (4s5 07) . (26) Alaskan r eindeer fund (4s365) . (27) United States Naval prison activities fund (7s925) . (28) Injury claims assign ed, Veterans' Administratio n (0s878) . (29) After June 30, 1936, migratory bird conservation fund (3s362) . (30) Losses on war-risk insurance of American cargoes, and so forth, special fund (0s865) . (31) Gas production, helium plants, Bureau of Mines (6s685) . (32 Perry's Victory Memorial (0s727) . (33 Inland and C oastwi se Wa terway s Serv ice Fu nd (8 x875) . (34) Five Percent Funds to States (4s166) . SEC . 5 . (a) Effective July 1 1935, the appropriation accounts appearing on the books of the Government and listed in subsection (b) of this section are abolished, and any unobligated balances under such accounts as of that date shall be covered into the surplus fund of the Treasury . Any appropriations to which expenditures under such accounts have been chargeable theretofore are hereby repealed, effective on such date . To the extent that the annual appropriations, which are hereby authorized to be made from the general fund of the Treasury for the same purposes for which expenditures are now made from said accounts, are insufficient, there are hereby authorized to be approp riated from the g eneral fund of th e Trea sury s uch additional amounts as may be necessary, to the extent that the amounts of such receipts are in excess of the amounts appropriated . (b) (1) Expenses, Cotton Standards Act (3s535) . (2) Classification of cotton, revolving fund (3s320) . (3) Extr a c ompe nsat ion for ove rti me, Imm igra tion Se rvic e (6s803) . Deposit of Patent SE c. 6 . (a) Effective July 1, 1935, receipts theretofore authorized office fe es as miscel- laneous receipts . t o be credited to the appropriation accounts appearing on the books of the Government and listed in subsection (b) of this section shall be deposited into the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts, and there are hereby authorized to be appropriated from the general fund of the Treasury such amounts as may be necessary for the Patent Office : Provided, That this paragraph shall be sub- ject to section 18 insofar as such section is applicable to Patent Office fees . (b) (1) Sala ries and exp ense s, P aten t Of fice (6s 289) . SEC . 7. (a) Effective July 1, 1935, any balances credited to the following appropriation accounts on the books of the Government and listed in subsection (b) of this section shall be covered into the surplu s fund of th e Tre asury, and a ny app ropri ations to wh ich expenditures under such accounts have been chargeable theretofore are hereby repealed . Claims or payments chargeable to said accounts, upon proper audit, shall be certified to Congress for appropriation from the general fund of the Treasury, which is hereby authorized . (b) (1) Prize money to captors (7T987) . (2) Prize money to captors, S panish War (7T 988) . (3) Prize money, Battle of Manila Bay (7T986) . 4) Spanish Indemnity, Interest (2T082) . (5) Spanish Indemnity, Principal (2T082 .1) . (6) Trust-fund Interest for Support of Free Schools Carolina (2T084), U .S .C ., title 32, sec. 47. 30 Stat. 944; 33 Stat. 211 43 Stat . 1101 . 39 Stat. 868. U .S.C ., title 48, sec. 39. 43 Stat . 612, 625 . 40 Stat. 755. 40 Stat. 103. 44 Stat. 1387. 40 Stat . 1322; 43 Stat. 527 . 41 Stat . 1149. U.S.C., title 31, sec . 711 . Permanent appropri- ations fr om special funds abolished . Balances covered in. S u m s authorized, equal to receipts plus deficiency, if any . U.S.C., title 7, sec . 55 . U.S.C., title 7, sec . 54. 46 Stat . 1467. Appropriation au- thorized . Proviso. Refunds. 47 Stat . 513. Tru st fund acco unts . R.S., sec . 3689; 30 Stat .1007 . R. 8. 3689; 30 Stat. 1007 . vessel s, thei r in So uth