Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1326

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Appropriations-Continued. International Council of Scientific Unions, 8um authorized for annual share _________________________ _ Lincoln, Nebr., restoration of mineral water on post-office site at ______ _ Marine Band attendance at encamp- ment and convention ___________ _ Monocacy National Military Park, Md., administration ___________ _ Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission, 8um authorized ____ _ Natchez Trace Parkway, sum author- ized for survey ________________ _ National Archives, sum authorized ___ _ Appropriation for _____________ - - -_ National Cooperative Employment Service, amounts availahle for ap- portionnwnt among States ______ _ National Industrial Recovery Act, au- thorized ______________________ _ Naval vessel construction to treaty limits, sums authorized ______ - - - - Navy and Marine Memorial, sum au- thorized for erection ________ - - - - Non-Indian clnimants for lands dispo- sessed, compensation authorized __ Office of corporation counsel, D.C ., per- sonal services_______________ - - - _ Pan American Sanitary Conference, attendance of delegates ______ - __ _ Permanent Appropriations Repeal AcL Persons char~ed with crime, Slim au- thorized for apprehension or fur- nishing information respecting __ Philippine Islands currency reserves, readjustment of, authorized _____ _ Railroad Rt'tirement Act, expenses, etc_ Reduction of specific annual appropria- tions authorized _______________ _ Rural post roads, sum authorized for construction of ______________ - __ Seneca Indian School, Okla., aquisition of land of _____________________ _ Silver Purehase Act of 1934, authorized_ Appropriation for ________________ _ Tobacco Control Act, cxpenses, ctc___ _ Transfer of appropriation for "public works" to expenditure for pcr- sonncl, prohibited ______________ _ Uncmployment relief- ______________ _ Vocational education in States and Territories, fiscal years 1935-37, sum authorized ________________ _ Writings of George Washington, print- ing ndditional sets _____________ _ Aquatic Products: Association of producers of, authorized_ Powers of; requirements _______ - __ _ Prohihited acts __________________ _ INDEX. . IX Page. 976 1205 1245 1200 1224 791 1124 1026 114 210 505 i 1243 I 109 349 1182 1224 910 1115 1286 14 994 1184 1181 1060 1279 13 23 792 1210 1213 1214 1214 Arbitration: Bureau of Interparliamentary Union for Promotion of International, appropriation for contribution ___ _ International Bureau of Permanent Court of, appropriation for contri- bution ________________________ _ Architect of the Capitol. See also Legis- lath'c Branch of the Government. Capitol grounds, enlargement of, bal- ance available _________________ _ Hardin~, Damon 'V., employment continued _____________________ _ Supreme Court Building: Care and maintcnance ____________ _ Furnishings to he supplieCl by _____ _ Archives. See National Archives. Argentina: Appropriation for- Ambassador to __________________ _ Pan American Sanitary Conference, Bucnos Aires, slim for attend- ance of delegates _____________ _ Arizona: Appropriation for- Grand Canyon National Park, ad- Page. 534 534 1024 1025 668 1027 530 1182 lIlinistration___ _______ ___ _____ 386 Indians, support, etc., oL ____ 369,375,376 Nat ional forest administration ______ 482 Fort Lowell Military Reservation, de- ferred payments on homestead cntries_ ________________________ 350 University of Arizona, selection of certain lands for usc of, authorized_ 786 Arkansas: Appropriation for- Hot Springs National Park adminis- tration _ _____________________ 386 National forest administration__ ____ 482 Coinage to commemorate anniversary of admission into Union _ _ _ _ _____ 776 Ouachita National Forest, creation of game rcfuge_ ___________________ 128 Arlington Experimental Farm, Va., ap- propriation for_____________ _______ 479 Arlington Memorial Bridge: Appropriation for mainten!mce, etc __ 295,388 Arlington Memorial Bridge Commission: Appropriation for continuing construc- tion of bridgc___________________ 285 Resurfacing, ete., road, if Virginia com- pletes construction of Lee Boule- vard to________________________ 285 Arlington National Cemetery, appropria- tion for can', ete., of nmphitheater, etc_ 638 Armament, suspeu1>ion of naval, etc., {'on- struetion in event of international agreement for limitation oL _____ ___ 202 Arms, prohibition on sale of, to countries engaged in armed contlict 11l Chaco__ 811