Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1327

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x INDEX. Army. See also National Defense Act; War Department. Airplanes, pilots, etc., loan for emer- gency air mail transportation ____ _ Claims of officers and enlisted men under Act of March 2, 1899 _____ _ Distingdshed Service Cross, isslle of, in lieu of Certificate of l\lerit and Distinguished Service MedaL ___ _ Enlisted men, indebtedness of, cancel- ation of unpaid balance author- ized __________________________ _ Flying duty extra pay, reduction oL __ Foreign decorations, authorizing cer- tain officers to accepL ______ - ___ _ Fort Niagara, N.Y ., international cele- bration, sum authorized for par- ticipation _____________________ _ Appropriation for ________________ _ Housing projects, National Industrial Recovery Act _________________ _ Obsolete equipment of, donation to American Legion authorized _____ _ Officers and enlisted men, tours of duty in Tropics restricted _______ _ Retirement pay of disabled officer serv- ing during World War__________ _ Army Medical Museum, appropriation for _____________________________ _ Army War College. See War Depart- ment. Page. 508 657 396 1222 307 1267 1019 1244 202 815 815 10 629 Arrests, authority to make, officers of Division of Investigation, Justice Department. _____________________ 1008 Arsenals, appropriation for repairs, ctc_ _ _ 630 Ashford, Bailey K., acceptance of foreign decoration _ _ _ ____________________ 1267 Astoria, Oreg.: Bridge authorized across Columbia River at_ __ ___ ___ _____ ______ ___ 949 Time extended for bridging _ _ _ _ ____ 576 Astrophysical Observatory, appropriation for ____________________________ 296, 517 Atchison, Kans., brid~e authorized across Missouri River at_ ________________ 991 Atlanta, Ga., appropriation for penitenti- ary maintenance__________________ 544 Atlantic Coast, nppropriation for surveys_ 558 Attorney General. See also Justice, De- partment of. Adjustment of conflicting land claims along Potomac and Anacostia Riv- ers and Rock Creek, authorized___ 836 Apprehension of persons charged with crime; awards__________________ 910 Civil actions at law, united rules effect- ive on report to Congress by _ _ _ __ 1064 District attorneys to prevent violations of codes of fair competition, under direction oL________ ___ _________ 196 Attorney General-Continued. Page. Emergency Railroad Transportation Act, prosecution of violations of, under direction oL______________ Z15 Medicinal liquor permit regulations to be prescribed by Secretary of Treasury and ___________________ 24 Olmstead Lanch:, adjustment of claims to_____________________________ 959 Pan American Petroleum Co., etc., (~laillls upon cprtain assets of, re- lease authorized_________________ 30 Rights-of-way ovpr Fcderal property for highways, approval of acquisi- tion by ________________________ 204 Securitics Act of 1933, prosecution of unlawful acts undcr_____________ 86 Trade and commerce, prosecutions of unlawful interference witlL _ _ _ ___ 980 Yearly renewahle term insurance, com- promise judgmcnts approvcd by _ _ 302 Audited Claims: Dcficiency appropriation for- Agriculture, Dppartment of ___ _____ _ 102, 281, 1047, 1052 Commerce, Department of ___ ______ 102, 281, 1048, 1052, 1054 Dii;trict of Colllmbia ___________ 1029,1052 Independent OtIiccs_______________ 102, 281, 1047, 1052, 1054 Interior, Department oL___________ 102, 282, 1048, 1052 Justice, Department oL _ __________ 102, 282, 1048, 1052, 1054 Labor, Department oL 103,282, 1049, 1052 Legislative Branch of thc Govern- ment _________________ 102,281,1047 Navy Department________________ 103, 104,282, 1049, 1053, 1054 Post Office Dcpartmcnt_ 104,283,1051, 1054 State, Department oL 103, 282, 1049, 1053 Treasury Department- 103, 282, 1049, 1053 War DepartmenL 103,282, 1050, 1053, 1054 Austria. appropriation for cnvoy extraor- dinary, etc., to____________________ 530 Aviation, appropriation for iuvestigation and development of a national pro- gram- _- _______ __________________ 627 Aviation Commission. appropriation for salaries and expeDses_ _______ ______ 1025 B Bachelor of Science, degree conferred on Naval, Military, and Coast Guard Academy graduates_ _ _ _ ___________ 73 Bailiffs, United States courts, appropria- tion for pay oC ________ ___________ 542 Bainbridge Island. Wash., time extended for bridging Agate Pass at_ _ _____ __ 1203