Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/439

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 09. MARCH 15, 1934 . age to officers on duty with traveling recruiting parties

trans porta- tion of dependents of officers and enlisted men, $550,000 ; expenses of funeral escorts of naval personnel ; actual expenses of officers and midshipmen while on shore-patrol duty, including the hire of auto- mobiles when necessary for the use of shore-patrol detachments ; in all, $3,885,119 ; In all, for pay, subsistence, and transportation of naval personnel, $137,439,992, of which sum $1,000,000 shall be immediately available, and the money herein specifically appropriated, or transferred from the clothing and small stores' fund to this appropriation as herein authorized, for "Pay, subsistence, and transportation of naval per- sonnel ", shall be di sburs ed and acco unted for in accordance with existing law and shall constitute one fund : Provided, That additional commissioned, warranted, appointed, enlisted, and civilian personnel of the Medical Department of the Nav y, required for the ca re of patients of the United States Veterans' Administration in naval hos- pitals, may be employed in addition to the numbers appropriated for in this Act : Provided further, That no part of this appr opriat ion shall be available for the pay of any m idshi pmen whose admis sion subsequent to January 30, 1934, would result in exceeding at any time an allowance of three midshipmen for each Senator, Representative, and Delegate in Congress ; of one midshipman for Puerto Rico, a native of the island, appointed on nomination of the governor, and of three midshipmen from Puerto Rico, appointed on nomination of the Resident Commissioner ; and of two midshipmen for the District of Columbia : Provided further, That nothing herein shall be con- strued to repeal or modify in any way existing laws relative to the appointment of midshipmen at large, from the enlisted personnel of the naval service, or front the Naval Reserve : Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be available for the pay of any mi dshipm an ap point ed fro m enl isted men of the Navy for a dmiss ion to the Naval Academy in the class entering in the calendar year 1935 who has not served aboard a vessel of the Navy in full commission for at least nine months prior to such admission . MAINTENANCE, BUREAU OF SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS For equipage, supplies, and services under the cognizance of the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, including stationery for command- ing, executive, communication, and navigating officers of ships, boards and co urts on ship s, and c hapl ains

commissions, interest, and exchange ; ferriage and bridge tolls ; including street-car fares ; rent of buildings and offices not in navy yards except for use of naval attaches and recruiting officers ; accident prevention ; services of civil- ian empl oyees under the cogniz ance of the Bureau of Supp lies a nd Accounts ; freight, express, and parcel-post charges, including trans- portation of funds and cost of insurance on shipments of money when necessary, and ice for cooling drinking water on shore (except at naval hospitals and shops at industrial navy yards), pertaining to the Nav y De part ment and Nav al E stab lish men t, $ 7,55 9,00 0

Pro- vided, That no part of this or any other appropriation contained in this Act shall be available for or on account of the supply or replace- ment of table linen, dishes, glassware, silverware, and/or kitchen utensils for use in the residences or quarters of officers on shore Provided further, That no appropriation contained in this Act shall be available for any expense for or incident to the transportation of privately owned automobiles except on account of the return to the United States of such privately owned automobiles as may have been transported to points outside of the continental limits of the United 413 Tr ansporting de- pendents . Funeral escorts . Ag gregate

sum im medi ately ava ilabl e . Accounting, etc . Provisos . Ad diti onal medi cal deta il for veter ans' Administration pa- tients in naval hospitals. Re stri ction on ad- missions to Naval Academy after January 30 .1934. Appoi ntments at large or from enlisted men not affected. Sea service require- ments of appointees from enlisted men . Maintenance . Freight, etc., Navy and Navy Department . Pvovisos . Supply or replace- men t of kitc hen, etc , ware for officers' quar- ters asho re forbidden . Transporting pri - vately owned auto- mob iles forb idden ; ex . ception.