Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/440

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 69. MARCH 15, 1934 . Group IV (b) em• States at public expense prior to July 1, 1932 : Pro vided furth er, ployees . That the sum to be paid out of this appropriation for employees assigned to group IV (b) and those performing similar services carried under native and al ien schedules in the Schedu le of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Department use of certain re- shall not exceed $4,500,000 : Provided further, That, without deposit ceipts for current ex- to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States and withdrawal perditures ; account- ing . on money requisitions, receipts of public moneys from sales or other sources by officers of the Navy and Marine Corps on disbursing duty and charged in their official accounts may be used by them as required for current expenditures, all necessary bookkeeping adjustments of appropriations, funds, and accounts to be made ill the settlement of their disbursing accounts . Clothing and small The clothing and small-stores fund shall be charged with the value stores funds . Issue, to Naval lie- of all issues of clothing and small stores made to enlisted men of the serve .

Naval Reserve and the uniform gratuity paid to officers of the Naval Pvovisos.

Reserve : Provided, Tha t, in additio n to the appr opriation here in Pri nt ing

h isto rical and naval documents . made for the O ffice of Nava l Records and Library, ther e is hereby appropriated $ 10,000 to beg in printing h istorical and naval docu- ments, including composition, clerical copying in the Navy Depart- ment, and other preparatory work, except that the " usual number " for co ngressi onal d istribu tion, d eposit ory lib raries, and i nternat ional exchanges shall not be printed, and no copies shall be available for sale, by superinten- free issue : Provided further, That the Superintendent of Documents dent of Documents . is hereby authorized to sell copies at the prorated cost, including composition, clerical work of copying in the Navy Department and Vol. 47, p.490

other work preparatory to printing without reference to the pro- u.s.c., supp. VII , visions of s ection 307 of the Act appr oved June 30, 1932 (U.S .C ., p. 943.

Supp . VI, title 44, sec . 72a) . Evacuation of high

EVACUATION OF HIGH EXPLOSIVES, NAVY explosives . Handlin g , transport- To ward t he han dling and t ranspo rtatio n of high e xplosi ves to ing, etc., Hawthorne, Nev .

the naval ammunition depot, Hawthorne, Nevada, and other points, and e xpense s inci dent theret o, in accord ance with t he pri mary recommendations contained in House Document Numbered 199, Seventieth Congress, first session, as modified by the Second Defi- Vol. 45, p. 908.

ciency Act, fiscal year 1928, approved May 29, 1928 (45 Stat ., p . 908), saabl ee continued the unexpended balance of the appropriation under this head for a°Vol. 47, p .1532.

the fiscal year 1934 is continued available during the fiscal year 1935 . FU EL AND TR ANS PORT ATI ON, BUREAU OF SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS Fuel and transporta- For coal and other fuel for submarine bases and steamers' and Lion. ships' use, including expenses of transportation, storage, and han- dling the same and the removal of fuel refuse from ships ; mainte- nance and ge neral operati on of machine ry of naval fu el depots and fuel pants ; water for all purposes on board naval vessels, and ice for the cooling of water, including the expense of transportation and Pro1isos, be charged storage of both, $6,633,658 : Provided, That fuel acquired other than to applicable appropri . by purchase shall not be issued without charging the applicable atiou .

appropriation with the cost of such fuel at the rate current at the Prices for fuel on time of issue for fuel purchased : Provided further, That the Presi- hand . dent may direct the use, wholly or in part, of fuel on hand, however acquired, to be charged at the last issue rate for fuel acquired by purchase, when in his judgment, prices quoted for supplying fuel Restriction on use, are excessive : Provided further, That no part of this appropriation etc., of foreign fuel oil . shall be available, any provision in this Act to the contrary not- withstanding, for the purchase of any kind of fuel oil of foreign