Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/446

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 69. MARCH 15, 1934 . Military

supplies, etc . Purchase, preserva- tion, etc . Prizes, badges, etc . Transportation, etc . Dependents . For mil itary supplies and eq uipm ent, including their purchase, repair, preservation, and handling ; recreational, school, educational, libr ary, mus ical , am usem ent, fie ld s port and gym nasi um s uppl ies, equipme nt, serv ices, an d incide ntal exp enses ; purchase and marking of prizes for excellence in gunnery and rifle practice, good-conduct badges, medals, and buttons awarded to officers and enlisted men by the Gov ernment for cons picuous, gallant , and sp ecial se rvice ; rental and maintenance of target ranges and entrance fees for competitions, $472,33 0 . For transportation of troops and applicants for enlistment, includ- ing cash in lieu of ferriage and transfers en route ; toilet kits for issue to recruits upon their first enlistment and other incidental expenses of the recruiting service ; and for transportation for depend- ents of officers and enlisted men, $250,000 ; Repairs, etc ., to bar- For repairs and improvements to barracks, quarters, and other racks, quarters : etc. bli bldi n att an dtti ons ; fo thnt id Pu cui gs poss sare reng, leasing, an ~ improvement of buildings in the District of Columbia, and at such other places as the public exigencies require, and the erection of temporary buildings upon the approval of the Secretary of the Navy at a total cost of not to exceed $10,000 during the year, $340,000 ; For forage and stabling of public animals and the authorized number of officers' horses, $25,000 ; Fo r mi scel lane ous supp lies , ma teri al, equi pmen t, pe rsonal and other services, and for other incidental expenses for the Marine Corps not otherwise provided for ; purchase, repair, and exchange of type- writers and calculating machines ; purchase and repair of furniture Vehicles, etc . and fixtures ; repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles ; purchase of five motorcycles, at not to exceed $295 each

and pur-

chase, exchange, and repair of horse-draw n passenger-carrying and other vehicles, including parts ; veterinary services and medicines for public animals and the authorized number of officers' horses


chase of mounts and horse equipment for all officers below the grade of major required to be mounted ; shoeing for public animals and the authorized number of officers' horses ; books, newspapers, and periodi- c a ls ; printi ng and b inding ; packing and crating of officers' allowance of baggage ; funeral expenses of officers and enli ste d men and a ccept ed a pplic ants for enli stme nt an d re tired off icers on acti ve du ty, includi ng the transportation of their bodies, a rms, and wea ring apparel from the place of demise to the homes of the deceased in the United States ; construction, operation, and maintenance of lau n- dries ; and for all emergencies and extraordinary expenses, $1,845,261 ; Marine Corps Reserve : For clothing, subsistence, heat, light, tr ansporta tion, an d miscel laneous expenses , $75,00 0 ; In all, $6,016,325, to be accounted for as one fund : Provided, That the sum to be paid out of this appropriation for employees assigned to grou p IV (b) and those performin similar services carried under native and alien schedules in the Schedule of Wag es for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Department shall not exceed $90,000 . Forage, etc . Contingent . Horses, etc . Funeral expenses . Mar ine serve . Corps Accounting . Pvoei-o . Group IV (b) ployees . Re- em- Alterations to naval vessels . Modernizing "New Mexico", "Mississip- pi", and "Idaho " Vol. 46, p.1453 . Proviso . Group IV (b ) em- ployees . ALTERATIONS TO NAVAL VESSELS Tow ard the alte rati ons and repa irs requ ired for the pur pose of modernizing the United States ships New Mexico, Mississippi, and Idaho . authorized by the Act entitled "An Act to authorize altera- tions and repairs of certain naval vessels ", approved February 28, 19 31, $470 ,400, to remain availabl e until expended

Provided, That the sum to be paid out of the amount available for expenditure under this he ad for the fiscal year 1935 for employee s in field service