Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/445

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 69. MARCH 15, 1934 .

419 traveling under orders, including not to exceed $250 for the expenses of attendance upon meetings of technical, professional, scientific and other organizations, when, in the judgment of the Secretary of th e Navy , such atten dance would be of benefit in th e cond uct of the work of the Marine Corps, and including additional compensation for enlisted men of the Marine Corps, qualified as expert riflemen, sharp- shooters, marksmen, or regularly detailed as gun captains, gun pointers, cooks, messmen, including interest on deposits by enlisted me n, pos t-exch ange d ebts o f dese rters and of men di scharg ed or sen- ten ced to terms of im prison ment w hile i n debt to the Unite d Stat es, under such rules as the Secretary of the Navy may prescribe, and the authorized travel allowance of discharged enlisted men, and for pri zes fo r exce llence in gu nnery exerci ses and targe t prac tice, and for pay of enlisted men designated as Navy mail clerks and assistant Nav y mail cl erks both afloat a nd ashore , and for gratuiti es to enl isted men discharged not under honorable conditions-pay and allowances, Pay and allowances . $6, 735,710 ; all owance for l odging and s ubsist ence, $ 581,81 7 ; in all, $7,31 7,527 ; For pay and allowances prescribed by law of enlisted men on the Retired enlisted men . retired list, $675,330 ; Undrawn clothing : For p ayme nt to disc harge d en liste d men for Undrawn clothing . clothing undrawn, $271,566 ; For pay and allowances of the Marine Corps Reserve (a) exclud- Marine Corps Re- ing transferred and assigned men, $401,330 ; (b) transferred men, serve . $337,591 ; (c) assigned men, $5,400 ; in all, $744,321 ; For mileage and actual and necessary expenses and per diem in Milea ge, etc . lieu of subsistence as authorized by law to officers traveling under orders without troops, $90,000 ; In all, $14,390,612, and the money herein specifically appropriated Accounting . for pay of the Marine Corps shall be disbursed and accounted for in accordance with existing law and shall constitute one fund . PAY OF CI VIL EMPL OYEE S, MARINE CO RPS Pay of civil force : For personal services in the District of Colum- bia, as follows Offices of the Major General Commandant and adjutant inspector, $94,939 ; Office of paymaster, $40,651 ; Office of the quartermaster, $105,920 ; in all, $241,510 : Provided, That the total number of enlisted men on duty at Marine Corps head- quarters on May 7, 1930, shall not be increased, and in lieu of enlisted men whose services at such headquarters shall be terminated for any cause prior to July 1, 1935, their places may be filled by civilians, for the pay of whom, in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, either or both the appropriations "Pay, Marine Corps ", and " General expenses, Marine Corps ", shall be available . Civil force at head . quarters . Pvoviso . No increase in en- listed men at headquar- ters. Vacancies to be filled by civilians . Pay rates according to Classification Act . Vol.42,p . 1488; Vol. 46, pp. 776, 1003 . U.S.C., p.65; Supp. VII, p.34. GENERAL EXPEN SES, MARINE CORPS

General expenses . For every expenditure requisite for, and incident to, the authorized Authorized work . work of the Marine Corps, other than as appropriated for under the headings of pay and salaries, as follows For provisions, subsistence, board and lodging of enlisted men, Provisions, etc . recruits and recruiting parties, and applicants for enlistment, cash allowance for lodging and subsistence to enlisted men traveling on duty ; ice, ice machines and their maintenance, $2,123,812 ; For clothing for enlisted men, $460,322

Clothing . For fuel, heat, light, and power, including sales to officers, $424,600

Fuel, etc •