Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/600

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574 April 13, 1934 . [ 8. 194 .] [Public, No. 150 ] District of Columbia. B Street southwest changed to Ind epend - ence A, .enue. [CHAPTER 112 .] AN ACT April 13, 1934. [S .682 .1 To prohibit financia l transactions with any foreign governme nt in default on [Public, No. 151 .] its obligations to the United States . Be it enacted by the Senate and How e of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That hereafter it shall be unlawful within the United States or any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States for any person to purchase or sell the bonds, securities, or other obligations of, any foreign gov- ernment or political subdivision thereof or any organization or associa tion a cting for or on be half o f a for eign g overnm ent or poli- tical subdivision thereof, issued after the passage of this Act, or to make any loan to such foreign government, political subdivision organization, or association, except a renewal or adjustment o' existing indebtedness while such government, political subdivision, organization, or association, is in default in the payment of its obligations, or any part thereof, to the Government of the United Punishment for States . Any person violating the provisions of this Act shall upon violation . conviction thereof be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both. Sxc . 2 . As used in this Act the term " person " includes individual, partnership, corporation, or association other than a public corpora- tion created by or pursuant to special authorization of Congress, or a corporation in which the Government of the United States has or exercises a controlling interest thro ugh stock ownership or otherwise . Approved, April 13, 1934 . Foreign governments in default on obliga- tions to United States . Financial transac- tions with, prohibited . E xisti ng i ndeb ted- n ess, rene wals, and ad- justments . "Person" defined. [CHAPTER 113 .] AN ACT April 13, 1934 . [9 .2 057 .] Authorizing the sale of certain property no longer required for public purposes [Public, No . 152.1

in the District of Columbia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the District of Columbia . United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Com- Sale of old Potomac School property au- missioners of the District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, thorized .

authorized and empowered to sell and convey to the highest bidder, at public or private sale and at such time as in their opinion may be most advantageous to the District of Columbia, the old Potomac School property, known as lot 802 in square 327, containing five thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven square feet of land, more or less, and the proceeds from such sale shall be deposited in the United States Treasury to the credit of the District of Columbia . Approved, April 13, 1934 . Description . 73d CONGR ESS . SESS . II. CHS . 111-113 . APRIL 13, 1934 . [CHAPTER 111 .1 AN ACT To change the name of B Street southwest in the District of Columbia . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That in honor of the D eclar ation of Indep enden ce o f the Unit ed St ates of A meric a, the thoroughfare now known as " B Street southwest ", running west from So uth Ca pitol Street in th e Dist rict of Colum bia, a nd as it may at any time be extended, widened, or otherwise changed, shall here- after bear the name " Independence Avenue ." Approved, April 13, 1934 .