Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/811

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 316, 317 . MAY 21, 1934 .

785 [CHAPTER 316 .]

AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act

for the

of the United May 21, 1934 . prov iding


[5 .3235.] States in A Centu ry of Progress (the Chicago World's Fair Centennial Cele- [Public, No . 237 .] bration) to be held at Chicago, Ill inois, in 193 3, authorizi ng an approp riation therefor, and for other purposes", approved February 8, 1932, to provide for participation in A Century of Progress in 1934, to authorize an appropriation therefor, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Un ited A Century of Pro- States States continue its participation in the exposition, A Century of gress Fed E e ral xp particip . ation Progress (the Chicago World's Fair Centennial Celebration), at in, to be continued . Chicago, Illinois, in 1934 . SEC. 2. For thi s purpose the Act entitled "An Act provi ding for Funds previously au- the participation of the United States in A Century of Progress

zed m ade apple° (the Chicago World's Fair Centennial Celebration) to be held at Vol. 47, p. 40. Chicago, Illinois, in 1 933, authorizing an appropriation therefor, Post, p. 1026. and for other purposes", approved February 8, 1932, as hereby amended, is extended and made applicable to the continuance of the participation of the United States in the said exposition in 1934 in the same manner and to the same extent and for the same purposes as originally provided in said Act, except insofar as the provisions Exception . of that Act specify the erection of a building or group of buildings . SEC . 3 . In addition to t he sum of $1,0 00,000 author ized by the A dditi onal sum au- aforesaid Act to be appropriated for the participation of the United thonzed . States in A Century of Progress (the Chicago World's Fair Cen- tennial Celebr ation) and ap propriated un der section 2 of the Act Vol.47, p. 645. entitled "An Act making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933, and for other purposes ", approved July 7, 1932, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated the sum of $200 ,000 . Approved, May 21, 1934 . [CHAPTER 317 .] AN ACT Ma- To add certain lands to the Mount Hood National Forest in the State of Oregon 10'1821 . [Public, No. 238.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Uni ted States of America in Con gres s as semb led, That the follow- mou nt Ho od Na- tiona l For est, Oreg . ing-described lands, title to which was conveyed to the United States Certain lands added in part settlement of a fire trespass and which are located within to. the boundaries of the Mount Hood National Forest, in the State of Oregon, be, and the same are hereby, added to said national forest and are made subject to all laws and regulations relating to the use and administration of the national forests Tow nship 4 south , range 5 eas t, Willamette meridian

East half

Description . northeast quarter, northwest quarter northeast quarter, northeast quarter southeast quarter section 18 ; southeast quarter northeast quarter, west half northeast quarter, east half northwest quarter, east half southeast quarter, northwest quarter southeast quarter, southeast quarter southwest quarter section 20; section 22 ; south- west quarter section 24 ; sections 25 and 26 ; north half northeast quarter, northeast quarter northwest quarter section 29; section 36 . Township 4 south, range 6 east, Willamette meridian : Lots 3 and 4, east half, east half southwest quarter section 20 ; southwest quar- ter section 28 ; lots 3 and 4, east half northeast quarter, northwest quarter northeast quarter, northeast quarter northwest quarter, southeast quarter, east half southwest quarter section 30 ; lots 1 and 2, northeast quarter, east half northwest quarter section 31. Approved, May 21, 1934 . 86637•-34-50