Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/852

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826 Capitol Police. Pay. Uniforms, etc. D ivisi on of disb urse- ment . Joint Committee on Printing . Clerk, assistant, etc . Vol. 28, p. 603. U.S.C., p. 1418. Congressional Direc- tory. Offic e of Legis lativ e Counsel . Salaries, etc . Statement of Appro- priations . Preparing, second session of Seventy-third Congress . Architect of the Cap- itol . Archi tect, assi stant , and office personnel . 73d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 372. MAY 30, 1934. CAPITOL POLICE Sa laries : Captain, $2,460 ; three lieutenants, at $1,740 each ; two special officers, at $1,740 each ; th ree ser geants , $1,68 0 each ; fi fty -tw o privates, at $1,620 each ; one half of said privates to be selected by the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate and one half by the Sergeant at Arms of the House ; in all not to exceed $90,396 . For purchasing and supplying uniforms, for maintenance and repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, and for contingent expenses, $9,710, of which $500 shall be immediately available for the exchange of one such vehicle . One half of the foregoing amounts under " Capitol police " shall be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate and one half by the Clerk of the House . JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING Salaries : Clerk, $4,000 and $800 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent ; inspector under section 20 of the Act approved January 12, 1895 (U .S .C ., title 44, sec . 49), $2,820 ; assistant clerk and stenographer, $2,400 ; for expenses of compiling, preparing, and indexing the Congressional Directory, $1,600


not to exceed $10,618, one half to be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate and the other half to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House . OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL For salar ies and expens es of mainten ance of the o ffice o f Legis lative Counsel, as authorized by law, $70,000 , of which $35 ,000 shall be disbursed by the Secretar y of the Sena te and $35,000 by the Clerk of the House of Representatives . STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATIONS For preparation, under the direction of the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and House of Representatives of the statements for the second session of the Seventy-third Congress, showing appropriations made, indefinite appropriations, and con- tracts authorized, together with a chronological history of the regular appropriation bills, as . required by law, $4,000, to be paid to the persons designated by the chairman of such committees to do the work . ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL OIr CE OF THE ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL Salaries : For the Architect of the Capitol, Assistant Architect of the Capitol, and other personal services at rates of pay provided by law ; and the Assistant Architect of the Capitol shall act as Architect of the Capitol during the absence or disability of that official or whenever there is no Architect ; $43,650 . Capitol Buildings and grounds .

CAPIT OL BUILD INGS AND GROUNDS . Maintenance, repair, etc

Capitol Buildings : For necessary expenditures for the Capitol . Building and electrical substations of the Senate and House Office Buildings, under the jurisdiction of the Architect of the Capitol, including minor improvements, maintenance, repair, equipment, sup- plies, material, fuel, oil, waste, and appurtenances ; furnishings and office equipment ; personal and other services ; cleaning and repairing works of art ; purchase or exchange (not to exceed $1,000), mainte-