Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/889

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. IL CH. 389 . JUNE 4, 1934 . Park Police Force, and the fire department of the District of Colum- bia " (43 Stat . 175), as amended by the Act of July 1, 1930 (46 Stat . 839-841) , $1,894,500 . For personal services, $5,058 . MISCELLANEOUS For repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, $20,000 . Uniforms : For furnishing uniforms and other official equipment prescribed by department regulations as necessary and requisite in the performance of duty to officers and members of the fire depart- me nt, inclu ding clea ning, alt eration, and repa ir of art icles tra nsferred from on e indi vidual to an other, $23,0 00 . For repairs to apparatus, motor vehicles, and other motor-driven apparatus, fire boat and for new apparatus, new motor vehicles, new appliances, employment of mechanics, helpers, and laborers in the fire department repair shop, and for the purchase of necessary supplie s, mat erials , equi pment, and t ools, $ 42,217 : Prov ided, T h at the Commissioners are authorized, in their discretion, to build or constru ct, in whole or in part, fire- fightin g appa ratus in the fire depar tment repa ir s hop . For hose, $9,000 . For fuel, $21,000 . For conti ngent expens es, fu rnitur e, fix tures, oil, b lacksm ithing , gas and elect ric li ghting , flag s, and halyar ds, me dals o f awar d, and other necessary items, $20,000 . For two combination hose wagons and one pumping engine, triple combina tion, all mo tor dr iven, $23,50 0 . HEALTH DEPARTMENT SALAR IES For personal services, $160,650 . PREVENTION OF CONTAGIOUS DISEASES For contingent expenses incident to the enforcement of the pro- visions of an Act to prevent the spread of contagious diseases in the District of Columbia, approved March 3, 1897 (29 Stat ., pp . 635- 641), and an Act for the prevention of scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, whooping cough, chicken pox, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, and typhoid fever in the District of Columbia, approved February 9, 1907 (34 Stat ., pp . 889-890), and an Act to provide for registration of all cases of tuberculosis in the District of Columbia, for fre e exam inatio n of s putum in sus pected cases, and f or pre vent- ing the spread of tuberculosis in said District of Columbia, approved May 13, 1908 (35 Stat ., pp . 126-127), under the direction of the health of ficer of said Dist rict, man ufacture of serums , includi ng their use in indigent cases and for the prevention of infantile paralysis and other communicable diseases, and of an Act for the prevention of venereal diseases in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes, approved February 26, 1925 (43 Stat ., pp . 1001-1003), and for mainten ance o f disi nfecti ng ser vice, includi ng sal aries or com pensa- tion for personal services, when ordered in writing by the Com- missioners and necessary for the enforcement and execution of said Acts, and for t he p reven tion of s uch o ther commu nica ble d iseas es as hereinbefore provided, and purchase of reference books and medi- cal journals, $27,783 : Pro vided , That any bacteriologist employed under this appropriation may be assigned by the health officer to the bacteriological examination of milk and other dairy products and Personal services . Repairs, etc ., to buildings . Uniforms . Repairs to appara- tus, etc . Proviso . Construction at re- pair shop . Hose. Fuel . Contingent expenses . New apparatus . Health Department . Pe rsonal servic es . Prevention of conta- gious diseases . Enforcement ex- pe nses . vol. 29, p. 635 . 863 Vol. 34, p. 889. Tuberculosis registra- tion. Vol. 35, p. 126. Infantile paralysis . Venereal diseases. Vol.43,p.1001. Disinfecting service. Proviso . Ba cterio logical exam- ination of milk, etc .