Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/10

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x LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. WOOt.U HoU, MMa., l«He. AN ACT Authorising the Secretary of Commerce to lease certain Government land at Woods Hole, Muaachusetts __________________ June 25,1934__ Bo6m (ka'll 'r'll, ~ed. AN ACT For the relief of Robert Gray Fry, deceased ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _ June26, 1934__ Williom Martin and John E. Wolah, Junior. AN ACT For the relief of William Martin and John E. WalsI!t,. Junior_________________________________________ June 26, 1934__ John Hom~hir.. A.N ACT For the relief of John Ham~hire------------June 26, 1934__ Bd'll1Grd F. GruHr Company. AN ACT For the relief of Edward F. Gruver Company _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ _____ ______ _____ ______ _ June 26, 1934__ 'rtxlerick O. Barker. AN ACT For the relief of Frederick G. Barker______ June 26t,1934-- Williom H. Connora, etc. AN ACT For the relief of William H. Connors alias John H. Connors, alias Micbael W. H . Connors __________________________ June 26, 1934__ Norman Beier. AN ACT For the relief of Norman Beier________________ June 26,1934__ H~'II Pook. AN ACT For the relief of Henry Poole ___________________ June 26,1934__ A. W. Holland. AN ACT For the relief of A. W . Holland _______________ June 26,1934__ WiUiom O. Fulton. AN ACT For the relief of William G. Fulton _________ June 26, 1934__ Howell K. Stel'kem. AN ACT For the relief of Howell K. Stepbens _______ June 26,1934__ RulUll J. DGfnI. AN ACT For the relief of Rufus J. Davis _______________ June 26,1934__ AlICe E. BrOGlf. AN ACT For the relief of Alice E. Bro&8 ________________ June 26,1934__ Virginia Houghton. AN ACT For tbe relief of Virginia Houghton _ _ ______ June 26, 1934__ Mar'll V. Spear. AN ACT For the relief of Mary V. Spear_______________ June 26,1934_ - Elizilbeth MiUicent Trammell. AN ACT For the relief of Elizabeth Millicent Trammell ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _ June26, 1934 __ Char," F. Littlepag~. AN ACT For the relief of Charles F. Littlepage ____ June 26, 1934__ OUo ChriBtian. AN ACT For the relief of Otto Christian _________________ June 26, 1934__ B. C. Sampaon. AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to pay to E. C. Sampson, of Billingtl, Montana, for services rendered the Crow Tribe of Indians_June 26, 1934__ Ann B"I/k. AN ACT For the relief of Ann Engle _______________________ June 26,1934__ Elizabeth Buzton Ho.pital. AN ACT For the relief of Elizabeth Buxton Hospital _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _ June26, 1934__ Harr1l Lee Shaw. AN ACT For the renef of HarrY Lee Shaw____________ June 26, 1934__ Black Hardware Company. AN ACT For the relief of the Black Hardware Company _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ _____ ______ _____ ______ _ June26, 1934__ Corio. C . Bedaole. AN ACT For the relief of Carlos C. Bedsole _________ June 26, 1934__ Marcella Leahy McNerney. AN ACT For the relief of Marcella Leahy McNerney _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ _____ ______ _____ ______ _ June26, 1934__ B. E. Dy.on . AN ACT For the relief of B. E . Dyson, former United States marshal, southern district of Florida_____________________________________________ June 26, 1934__ Mud Lake bottom riparian owner.. AN ACT For the relief of certain riparian owners for losses sustained by them on the drained Mud Lake bottom in Marshall County in the State of Minnesota____________________________________________June 26, 1934__ C. F . ColPin. AN ACT To authorize the transfer of certain real estate by the Secretary of the Treasury to C. F. Colvin in settlement of the Northfield (Minnesota) post-oflice site litigation, and for other ~u!POses----------------------------June 26, 1934__ W. P . Fuller and Company. AN ACT For the relief of W. P . Fuller and Company. _____ ____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _ June26, 1934 __ Harold Soremon. AN ACT For the relief of Harold Sorenson ____________ June 26, 1934 __ William A. Delaney. AN ACT For the relief of William A. Delaney ______ June 26, 1934 __ JOfMll W. Walter.. AN ACT For the relief of James W. Walters _________ June 26, 1934__ The Lower Solem Commercial Bank. AN ACT For the relief of the Lower Salem Commercial Bank, Lower Salemt., .Ohio ______________________________________ June 26, 1934__ Martin FlInn. AN ACT l'"or the relief of the estate of Martin Flynn _____ June 26, 1934__ Jomu R. MOMjleld. AN ACT For the relief of James R. Mansfield ______ June 26, 1934__ W. H.KerandeM uItJte01JamaE. WilBon. AN ACTForthereliefof W. H. Keyandthe estate of James E. Wilson______________________________________ June 26, 1934__ Roy 1M (kOHCloae. AN ACT For the relief of Roy Lee Groseclose ________ June 26,1934__ Mll4red F. Scamm. AN ACT For the relief of Mildred F. Stamm_________ June 26, 1934__ A. J . Hanlon. AN ACT For the relief of A. J . Hanlon __________________ June 26,1934__ Robert V. RemcI&. AN ACT For the relief of Robert V. Rensch___________ June 26,1934__ Her"" E. MauIaewa. An ACT For the relief of Herbert E. Matthews _____ June 26, 1934__ Arthur BUUfI. AN ACT For the relief of Arthur Bussey ________________ June 26,1934__ Emilie C. Dam. AN ACT For the relief of Emilie C. Davis _____________ June 26, 1934__ Nancy Abbev Willio..... AN ACT For the relief of NancY' Abbey Williams_June 26, 1934__ Ammon McClellan. AN ACT For the relief of Ammon McClellan ________ June 26,1934__ Erik NJJ!in. AN ACT For the relief of Erik Nylin ______________________ June 26,1934__ AlNri W. HorNY_ AN ACT For the relief of Albert W. Harvey __________ June 26,1934__ Brewer Point OM waU Pa"., . CoapGn'll, Inc. AN ACT For the relief of the Brewer Paint and WaD Paper Co~y, In~ted-------------------------June 26, 193f__ Robert R. Pron". AN ACT For the rellef of Robert R. Prann____________ June 26, 1934__ El...., . KeIUri,., . AN ACT For relief the of Elmer Kettering _____________ June 26, 1934__ Jewll MtJMQ. AN ACT For the relief of Jewell Man888 ________________ June 26, 1934__ E. CltJrerace IrA. AN ACT For the relief of E. Clarence Ice ______________ June 26,1934__ N. W . Corri,.,ton and J. E. MitcMU. AN ACT For the relief of N. W . Carri!}gton and J. E . 14itchell______________________________________________________ June26, 1934 __ George M. Wright. AN ACT For the relief of George M. Wright__________ June 26,1934__ Pace. 1430 1430 1430 1431 1431 1432 1432 1432 1433 1433 1433 1434 1434 1434 1435 1435 1436 1436 1436 1437 1437 1438 1438 1438 1439 , 1439 1440 1440 1440 1441 1442 1442 1442 1443 1443 1444 1444 1445 1445 1446 1446 1446 1447 1447 1447 1448 1448 1448 1449 1449 1450 1450 1450 1451 1451