Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/616

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L874 PASSENGER MOTOR VEHICLES-DENMARK. Denne BekendtgS?$relse trreder i Kraft den 1. Februar 1929. Hvilket under Henvisning til BekendtgS?$relse herfra af 28. Janua.r 1928 herved bringes til almindelig Kundskab. MINISTERIET FOR OFFENTLIGE ARBEJDER, DEN 18. JANUAR 1929. J. P . STENSBALLE . CH. BUCHWALD . Bekendtgprelse om Afgiftsfrihed her i Landet for Motorvogne og Paahrengsvogne til saadanne, del' er hjemmehp- rende i de amerikanske Forenede Stater, og som Personer, del' ankommer fra. Udlandet til Dan- mark, benytter ved Indpassagen. [Enclo~ure I-Translation) JOURNAL N. 371 C. CIRCULAR No. B . Pursuant to the authority given to the Minister of Public Works in section 7, paragraph 1, in act no. 143 of July 1, 1927, relative to tax on motor vehicles, etc., the Ministry, after consultation with the Ministry of Finance, hereby waives the tax, in accordance with the said paragraph, on such passenger automobiles belonging in the United States as are designed to carry not more than 7 persons includ- ing the chauffeur, and are registered in the country in question as belonging to persons domiciled in that country. Exemption from taxation is valid only for a period of 3 months, and therefore the liability to taxation mentioned by sections 1-6 of the above-named law arises in case the vehicle remains in this country for more than 3 months. This proclamation shall go into effect February 1, 1929. Which is hereby made public, reference being made to the procla- mation of January 28, 1928, on this subject. MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS, JANUARY 18, 1929. Proclamation re:ative to J. P . STENSBALLE . CH. BUCHWALD . Exemption from taxatIon in this country of motor cars and trailers to same, which belong in the United States, and which are used in entering this country by persons coming to Denma,rk from abroad. [Enclosure 2) COpy OF ACT No. 143 OF JULY 1,1927, ON TAXATION OF AUTOMOBILES, ETC. § 7, No.1. Af ikke her i Landet hjemmehS?$rende Motorvogne samt Paahrengs- vogne til saadanne, som Personer, del' ankommer fra Udlandet til Danmark, benytter ved Indpassagen, betaIes, bortset fra de i § 1, Stk. 2, nrevnte Undtagelsestilfrelde, f~lgende Afgifter: