Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/116

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74 TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 39. MAR CH 22, 1935 .

71 antes, Foreign Service", not more than $3,000 shall be expended for custodial service, heat, fuel, and light in any Government-owned building used for residence or residence and office purposes for an ambassador or minister, and not more than $1,700 for such purposes in the case of any other Foreign Service officer, except that at any post at which the expenditures for such purposes for the fiscal year 1933 were in excess of the limitation of $3,000 in this last proviso in the case of an ambassador or minister there may be expended during the fiscal year 1936 an amount equal to the sum so authorized to be expended during the fiscal year 1933, but in no event to exceed $5,000 ; and during the incumbency of a charge d'affaires the limita- tion on such expenditures shall be the same as for the occupancy of the principal officer. COST OF LIVING ALLOWANCE, FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS To carry out the provisions of the Act approved February 23, an~o st of li ving all ow- 1 931 (U . S . C ., Supp . VII, title 22, sets . 12, 23c), relating to allow- Vol .46,p .1207. ances and additional compensation to diplomatic, consular, and U.S . C.,pp.943,945. Foreign Service officers and clerks when such allowances and addi- Additional compen- tional compensation are necessary to enable such officers and clerks sati- to carry on their work efficiently : Prov ide d, That such allowances Proviso . and additional compensation shall be granted only in the discretion penditurren of ex- of the P reside nt, an d unde r such regul ations as he may p rescri be, $200,000 . F OREI GN S ERVI CE R ETIR EMEN T AND DI SABI LITY FUN D For financing the liability of the United States, created by the Act approved February 23, 1931 (U. S. C., Supp. VII, title 22, sec. 21), $162,400, which amount shall be placed to the credit of the "Foreign Service retirement and disability fund ." Foreign Service re- tirement, etc ., fu nd . Feder al c ontr ibut ion . Vol.46,p.1211. U.S.C.,p.944. SALA RIES OF CLERKS IN THE FOREIG N SERVI CE

Clerks in Foreign Ser vice . For salaries of clerks in the Foreign Service, as provided in the Act approved February 23, 1931 (U. S. C., Supp. VII, title 22, sec. 23a), including salaries during transit to and from homes in the United States upon the beginning and after termination of service, $2,216,000 . MISCELLANEOUS SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES, FOREIGN SERVICE For salaries or compensation of kavasses, guards, dragomans, por- ters, interpreters, prison keepers, translators, archive collators, Chi- nese w riters, messenge rs, cour iers, te lephone operato rs, supe rvisors of construction, and custodial and operating force for maintenance and operation of Government-owned and leased diplomatic and consular properties in foreign countries ; compensation of agents and employees of di spatch agenc ies at Londo n, New York, San F rancis co, Se attle, and New Orleans, including salaries during transit to and from their homes in the United States upon the beginning and after termination of service in foreign countries ; operation of motor-propelled and other passenger and non-passenger-carrying vehicles ; for allowances to consular officers, Who are paid in whole or in part by fees, for serv- ices necessarily rendered to American vessels and seamen, as provided in the Act of June 26,1884 (U. S. C., title 22, sec. 89: title 46, sec. 101) ; and such other miscellaneous personal services as the President may deem necessary ; $580,000 : Provided, That no part of this appropria- tion shall be expended for salaries or wages of persons not American Ex ception . Salaries . Vol.46,p. 1207. U.S.C.,p.945. Miscellaneous sala- ries and allowances . Post, p . 590 . Dispatch agencies . Salaries during tran- sit . Vehicle maintenance. Services to American seamen, etc . Vol.23,p.56. U. S. C., pp. 950, 1990 . Provisos . Citizenship require- ments